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Price cross above EMA10

Stock Name Company Close EMA10 Variance(%)
LS Middlefield Healthcare Life Sciences ETF 0.25 0.177 +0.073 (41%)
IDL Imaging Dynamics Company Ltd 0.025 0.018 +0.007 (39%)
OR Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd 0.38 0.28 +0.10 (36%)
REG Regulus Resources Inc 1.50 1.106 +0.394 (36%)
LPS Legend Power Systems Inc 0.10 0.074 +0.026 (35%)
VAX Vantex Resources Ltd. 0.15 0.112 +0.038 (34%)
PNE Pine Cliff Energy Ltd 0.30 0.226 +0.074 (33%)
RTM Rt Minerals Corp 0.09 0.07 +0.02 (29%)
SKP Strikepoint Gold Inc 0.06 0.047 +0.013 (28%)
GWA Gowest Gold Ltd 0.24 0.189 +0.051 (27%)
HBP Helix Biopharm 2.10 1.664 +0.436 (26%)
UGD Unigold Inc 0.14 0.111 +0.029 (26%)
MIT The Mint Corporation 0.16 0.127 +0.033 (26%)
BBB Brixton Metals Corp 0.16 0.128 +0.032 (25%)
POR Portofino Resources Inc 0.01 0.008 +0.002 (25%)
VSR Vanstar Mining Resources Inc 0.12 0.096 +0.024 (25%)
APX Apex Resources Inc 0.24 0.193 +0.047 (24%)
MKR Melkior Resources Inc 0.115 0.093 +0.022 (24%)
PTE Pioneering Technology Corp 0.255 0.209 +0.046 (22%)
CXB Calibre Mining Corp 0.19 0.156 +0.034 (22%)
NOA North American Construction Group Ltd 7.17 5.943 +1.227 (21%)
AHC Apollo Healthcare Corp 0.10 0.083 +0.017 (20%)
DCM Data Communications Mgmt Corp 1.11 0.923 +0.187 (20%)
DBO Dbox Technologies Inc 0.405 0.337 +0.068 (20%)
WEE Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc 0.98 0.816 +0.164 (20%)
TRO Taranis Resources Inc 0.15 0.126 +0.024 (19%)
NVA Nuvista Energy Ltd 5.42 4.60 +0.82 (18%)
TSU Trisura Group Ltd 0.08 0.068 +0.012 (18%)
LMR Lomiko Metals Inc 0.035 0.03 +0.005 (17%)
HWY Highway 50 Gold Corp 0.35 0.30 +0.05 (17%)
SME Sama Resources Inc Ressources Sama Inc 0.40 0.343 +0.057 (17%)
IB Ibc Advanced Alloys Corp 0.155 0.133 +0.022 (17%)
BLU Bellus Health Inc 0.05 0.043 +0.007 (16%)
APL Appulse Corp 0.10 0.086 +0.014 (16%)
ZFR Zephyr Minerals Ltd 0.31 0.267 +0.043 (16%)
BRZ Bearing Lithium Corp 0.47 0.407 +0.063 (15%)
CDC Cadillac Ventures Inc 0.195 0.169 +0.026 (15%)
RCT Rochester Resources Ltd 0.045 0.039 +0.006 (15%)
IE Ivanhoe Electric Inc 1.02 0.888 +0.132 (15%)
NEV Nevada Sunrise Metals Corp 0.055 0.048 +0.007 (15%)
GCN Goldcliff Resource Corp 0.04 0.035 +0.005 (14%)
AGX Silver X Mining Corp 0.04 0.035 +0.005 (14%)
PXI Planet Ventures Inc 0.16 0.14 +0.02 (14%)
IEI Imperial Equities Inc 3.00 2.63 +0.37 (14%)
RYO Rio Silver Inc 0.15 0.132 +0.018 (14%)
VLC Velocity Minerals Ltd 0.135 0.119 +0.016 (13%)
GBR Great Bear Resources Ltd 0.085 0.075 +0.01 (13%)
ADG Arcus Development Group Inc 0.145 0.128 +0.017 (13%)
FMC Forum Energy Metals Corp 1.76 1.557 +0.203 (13%)
WRI Waseco Resources Inc 0.07 0.062 +0.008 (13%)
ELY Electrum Discovery Corp 0.14 0.124 +0.016 (13%)
CAM Cascadia Minerals Ltd 4.08 3.617 +0.463 (13%)
CSC Citizen Stash Cannabis Corp 0.16 0.142 +0.018 (13%)
GRN Greenlane Renewables Inc 0.125 0.111 +0.014 (13%)
ARA Aclara Resources Inc 0.18 0.16 +0.02 (12%)
GMV Gmv Minerals Inc 0.135 0.12 +0.015 (12%)
TH Theratechnologies 2.55 2.27 +0.28 (12%)
OLV Olivut Resources Ltd 1.15 1.026 +0.124 (12%)
REL Roughrider Exploration Ltd 0.27 0.241 +0.029 (12%)
HRT Harte Gold Corp 0.26 0.233 +0.027 (12%)
VGD Visible Gold Mines Inc 0.185 0.166 +0.019 (11%)
PBM Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd 0.05 0.045 +0.005 (11%)
GPG Grande Portage Resources Ltd 0.16 0.144 +0.016 (11%)
CLI Clearford Water Systems Inc 0.17 0.153 +0.017 (11%)
QIS Quorum Information Technologies Inc 0.10 0.09 +0.01 (11%)
MEK Metals Creek Resources Corp 0.07 0.063 +0.007 (11%)
IQ Airiq Inc 0.07 0.063 +0.007 (11%)
USS Uniserve Communications Corp 0.11 0.099 +0.011 (11%)
CNX Callinex Mines Inc 0.82 0.739 +0.081 (11%)
GLG Glg Life Tech Corp 0.86 0.778 +0.082 (11%)
ECC Ethos Gold Corp 0.83 0.751 +0.079 (11%)
MXR Max Resource Corp 0.19 0.172 +0.018 (10%)
APM Andean Precious Metals Corp 0.085 0.077 +0.008 (10%)
PET Pet Valu Holdings Ltd 0.085 0.077 +0.008 (10%)
LDI Lithoquest Resources Inc 0.14 0.127 +0.013 (10%)
COV Covalon Technologies Ltd 0.165 0.15 +0.015 (10%)
DYG Dynasty Gold Corp 0.055 0.05 +0.005 (10%)
TZR Terrace Energy Corp 0.79 0.719 +0.071 (10%)
AVX Altair Resources Inc 0.045 0.041 +0.004 (10%)
CTG Centenario Gold Corp 0.60 0.547 +0.053 (10%)
LTH Lithium Ionic Corp 0.08 0.073 +0.007 (10%)
RV Discovery One Investment Corp 0.39 0.356 +0.034 (10%)
FTG Firan Technology Group Corp 0.45 0.411 +0.039 (9%)
EOX Euromax Resources Ltd 0.22 0.201 +0.019 (9%)
CNT Century Global Commodities Corp 0.07 0.064 +0.006 (9%)
CMD Commander Resources Ltd 0.14 0.128 +0.012 (9%)
IBT Ibex Technologies Inc 0.105 0.096 +0.009 (9%)
SGC Solstice Gold Corp 0.40 0.366 +0.034 (9%)
FNC Fancamp Exploration Ltd 0.295 0.27 +0.025 (9%)
RDL Redline Communications Group Inc 0.67 0.614 +0.056 (9%)
GSS Gossan Resources Ltd 0.16 0.147 +0.013 (9%)
GFP Greenfirst Forest Products Inc 0.20 0.184 +0.016 (9%)
AAN Aton Resources Inc 0.075 0.069 +0.006 (9%)
CTH Cotec Holdings Corp 0.025 0.023 +0.002 (9%)
CCE Commerce Resources Corp 0.33 0.304 +0.026 (9%)
VLE Valeura Energy Inc 1.52 1.401 +0.119 (8%)
XTM Transition Metals Corp 0.40 0.369 +0.031 (8%)
VMS Vortex Metals Inc 0.365 0.337 +0.028 (8%)
NAU Nevgold Corp 1.24 1.145 +0.095 (8%)
MAL Magellan Aero 3.16 2.923 +0.237 (8%)
JEC Jura Energy Corp 0.04 0.037 +0.003 (8%)
LRA Lara Exploration Ltd 1.20 1.11 +0.09 (8%)
PRM Big Pharma Split Corp 0.04 0.037 +0.003 (8%)
IMA I-Minerals Inc 0.23 0.213 +0.017 (8%)
DF Dividend 15 Split Corp II 6.25 5.798 +0.452 (8%)
AFF Affinity Metals Corp 0.85 0.789 +0.061 (8%)
AUU Gold79 Mines Ltd 0.07 0.065 +0.005 (8%)
SSE Silver Spruce Resources Inc 0.085 0.079 +0.006 (8%)
AM Academy Metals Inc 1.89 1.757 +0.133 (8%)
RDG Ridgeline Minerals Corp 0.40 0.372 +0.028 (8%)
PEX Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd 0.13 0.121 +0.009 (7%)
BNC Purpose CDN Financial Income Fund ETF 0.55 0.512 +0.038 (7%)
XBC Xebec Adsorption Inc 0.105 0.098 +0.007 (7%)
WCU World Copper Ltd 0.03 0.028 +0.002 (7%)
AME Abacus Mining and Exploration 0.17 0.159 +0.011 (7%)
MMS Macarthur Minerals Ltd 1.05 0.982 +0.068 (7%)
ADK Diagnos Inc 0.31 0.29 +0.02 (7%)
IGX Intelgenx Technologies Corp 0.53 0.496 +0.034 (7%)
CAN Canadian Gold Resources Ltd 1.37 1.283 +0.087 (7%)
TBL Taiga Building Products Ltd 0.64 0.60 +0.04 (7%)
CTS Converge Technology Solutions Corp 0.08 0.075 +0.005 (7%)
PVG Pretium Resources Inc 13.19 12.366 +0.824 (7%)
WHY West High Yield Resources Ltd 0.23 0.216 +0.014 (6%)
DGS Dividend Growth Split Corp Class A 7.09 6.663 +0.427 (6%)
DYA Dynacert Inc 0.15 0.141 +0.009 (6%)
BTI Bioasis Technologies Inc 0.64 0.602 +0.038 (6%)
BGE Blue Sky Global Energy Corp 0.17 0.16 +0.01 (6%)
CFW Calfrac Well Services Ltd 27.941 26.305 +1.636 (6%)
TIC Titanium Corp Inc 1.95 1.836 +0.114 (6%)
CET Cathedral Energy Services Ltd 7.05 6.646 +0.404 (6%)
BQE Bqe Water Inc 0.21 0.198 +0.012 (6%)
TTZ Total Telcom Inc 0.035 0.033 +0.002 (6%)
EXN Excellon Resources Inc 0.58 0.547 +0.033 (6%)
E Enterprise Group Inc 0.13 0.123 +0.007 (6%)
SDI Stampede Drilling Inc 0.265 0.251 +0.014 (6%)
JE Just Energy Group Inc 11.27 10.677 +0.593 (6%)
RRI Riverside Resources Inc 0.73 0.692 +0.038 (5%)
SW Sierra Wireless 7.14 6.771 +0.369 (5%)
HND Betapro Nat Gas 2X Daily Bear ETF 17.85 16.929 +0.921 (5%)
STC Sangoma Technologies Corp 0.49 0.465 +0.025 (5%)
DFN Dividend 15 Split Corp 10.50 9.971 +0.529 (5%)
SAT Asian Television Network Int Ltd 3.002 2.851 +0.151 (5%)
CYM Cymat Technologies Ltd 0.04 0.038 +0.002 (5%)
MSV Minco Silver Corp 2.02 1.919 +0.101 (5%)
AGD Antioquia Gold Inc 0.16 0.152 +0.008 (5%)
CPL Copper Lake Resources Ltd 0.04 0.038 +0.002 (5%)
GQC Goldquest Mining Corp 0.08 0.076 +0.004 (5%)
HLF High Liner 16.147 15.364 +0.783 (5%)
VFF Village Farms International Inc 1.33 1.266 +0.064 (5%)
BNG Bengal Energy Ltd 0.86 0.819 +0.041 (5%)
MEQ Mainstreet Eq J 23.71 22.596 +1.114 (5%)
DAN Arianne Phosphate Inc 1.30 1.239 +0.061 (5%)
CGP Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc 0.15 0.143 +0.007 (5%)
LKY Lucky Minerals Inc 0.41 0.391 +0.019 (5%)
CCD Cascadero Copper Corp 0.13 0.124 +0.006 (5%)
ESN Essential Energy Services Ltd 2.07 1.975 +0.095 (5%)
CAS Cascades Inc 4.312 4.115 +0.197 (5%)
SAU ST Augustine Gold and Copper Ltd 0.31 0.296 +0.014 (5%)
WEF Western Forest Products Inc 0.76 0.726 +0.034 (5%)
AXM Axmin Inc 0.045 0.043 +0.002 (5%)
NIO Niocan Inc 0.70 0.669 +0.031 (5%)
GCL Colabor Group Inc 10.565 10.105 +0.46 (5%)
NCI Ntg Clarity Networks Inc 0.115 0.11 +0.005 (5%)
NTS Nanotech Security Corp 1.04 0.995 +0.045 (5%)
TCW Trican Well 18.18 17.405 +0.775 (4%)
NCX Northisle Copper and Gold Inc 0.26 0.249 +0.011 (4%)
BRY Bri Chem Corp 3.21 3.077 +0.133 (4%)
COS Coniagas Battery Metals Inc 22.99 22.038 +0.952 (4%)
VCM Vecima Networks Inc 3.00 2.876 +0.124 (4%)
SMD Strategic Metals Ltd 1.48 1.419 +0.061 (4%)
VUL Vulcan Minerals Inc 0.17 0.163 +0.007 (4%)
WIN Windfall Geotek Inc 5.89 5.648 +0.242 (4%)
EMX Emx Royalty Corp 2.15 2.063 +0.087 (4%)
CAD Colonial Coal International Corp 1.49 1.43 +0.06 (4%)
DOL Dollarama Inc 44.69 42.892 +1.798 (4%)
HE Hanwei Energy Services Corp 0.10 0.096 +0.004 (4%)
WFC Wall Financial 11.26 10.809 +0.451 (4%)
MBA Cibt Education Group Inc 0.25 0.24 +0.01 (4%)
ARH Altima Energy Inc 0.025 0.024 +0.001 (4%)
OSI Osino Resources Corp 0.05 0.048 +0.002 (4%)
MIR Medmira Inc 0.025 0.024 +0.001 (4%)
MSC Millenium Silver Corp 0.05 0.048 +0.002 (4%)
SAH Sahara Energy Ltd 0.05 0.048 +0.002 (4%)
LUN Lundin Mining Corp 4.05 3.891 +0.159 (4%)
FP Fp Newspapers Inc 3.95 3.796 +0.154 (4%)
CFX Canfor Pulp Products Inc 11.70 11.245 +0.455 (4%)
SPZ Superbuzz Inc 0.72 0.692 +0.028 (4%)
GRG Golden Arrow Res Corp 0.285 0.274 +0.011 (4%)
HEM Hemostemix Inc 0.65 0.625 +0.025 (4%)
HEU Betapro S&P TSX Cap Engy 2X Dly Bull ETF 5.85 5.629 +0.221 (4%)
SNG Silver Range Resources Ltd 1.40 1.347 +0.053 (4%)
NRN Northern Shield Resources Inc 0.185 0.178 +0.007 (4%)
EFX Enerflex Ltd 13.18 12.689 +0.491 (4%)
SBN S Split Corp Cl A 6.10 5.875 +0.225 (4%)
STH Stelmine Canada Ltd 0.055 0.053 +0.002 (4%)
MEX Mexican Gold Mining Corp 0.055 0.053 +0.002 (4%)
RBA Rb Global Inc 22.58 21.761 +0.819 (4%)
WRG Western Energy Services Corp 8.152 7.858 +0.294 (4%)
CMG Computer Modelling Group Ltd 16.26 15.676 +0.584 (4%)
CUU Copper Fox Metals Inc 1.14 1.099 +0.041 (4%)
LEX Longhorn Exploration Corp 0.335 0.323 +0.012 (4%)
AXL Arrow Exploration Corp 0.56 0.54 +0.02 (4%)
HFU Betapro S&P TSX Cap Fncl 2X Dly Bull ETF 9.89 9.537 +0.353 (4%)
ALC Algoma Central 100.00 96.451 +3.549 (4%)
RK Rockhaven Resources Ltd 0.395 0.381 +0.014 (4%)
URZ Urz3 Energy Corp 1.99 1.92 +0.07 (4%)
ITH International Tower Hill Mines Ltd 4.22 4.072 +0.148 (4%)
MRE Martinrea International Inc 7.42 7.164 +0.256 (4%)
SUP Northern Superior Resources Inc 0.29 0.28 +0.01 (4%)
HOU Betapro Crude Oil 2X Daily Bull ETF 6.46 6.238 +0.222 (4%)
ROX Canstar Resources Inc 0.175 0.169 +0.006 (4%)
AQN Algonquin Power and Utilities Corp 6.373 6.155 +0.218 (4%)
LB Laurentian Bank 46.35 44.777 +1.573 (4%)
ESI Ensign Energy Services Inc 16.125 15.578 +0.547 (4%)
PXT Parex Resources Inc 7.15 6.909 +0.241 (3%)
EW East West Petroleum Corp 0.475 0.459 +0.016 (3%)
NOT Noront Resources Ltd 0.80 0.773 +0.027 (3%)
TRS Tres-Or Resources Ltd 0.06 0.058 +0.002 (3%)
BNT Brookfield Wealth Solutions Ltd 0.06 0.058 +0.002 (3%)
CVX Cematrix Corp 0.06 0.058 +0.002 (3%)
SGI Superior Gold Inc 0.06 0.058 +0.002 (3%)
NL Northern Lion Gold Corp 0.15 0.145 +0.005 (3%)
TCS Tecsys Inc J 2.20 2.127 +0.073 (3%)
MOZ Marathon Gold Corp 1.25 1.209 +0.041 (3%)
REX Orex Minerals Inc 0.58 0.561 +0.019 (3%)
PNP Pinetree Capital Ltd 1.57 1.519 +0.051 (3%)
AGL Aguila Copper Corp 0.28 0.271 +0.009 (3%)
SPA Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd 0.78 0.755 +0.025 (3%)
EIF Exchange Income Corp 24.937 24.142 +0.795 (3%)
BDI Black Diamond Group Ltd 17.59 17.034 +0.556 (3%)
SBC Brompton Split Banc Corp Cl A 10.17 9.85 +0.32 (3%)
TDG Tdg Gold Corp 7.708 7.467 +0.241 (3%)
CVE Cenovus Energy Inc 33.62 32.583 +1.037 (3%)
GEO Geodrill Ltd 2.30 2.23 +0.07 (3%)
TPL Tethys Petroleum Ltd 0.495 0.48 +0.015 (3%)
FR First Majestic Silver Corp Common 17.86 17.327 +0.533 (3%)
MT M3 Metals Corp. 9.44 9.163 +0.277 (3%)
HGD Betapro CDN Gold Miners 2X Dly Bear ETF 9.21 8.943 +0.267 (3%)
PD Precision Drilling Corp 10.75 10.438 +0.312 (3%)
RZZ Abitibi Royalties Inc 1.50 1.457 +0.043 (3%)
TV Trevali Mining Corp 0.91 0.884 +0.026 (3%)
SGD Snowline Gold Corp 0.105 0.102 +0.003 (3%)
SRC Stakeholder Gold Corp 0.07 0.068 +0.002 (3%)
GB Ginger Beef Corp 0.07 0.068 +0.002 (3%)
ICM Iconic Minerals Ltd 0.07 0.068 +0.002 (3%)
LAD New Carolin Gold Corp 0.14 0.136 +0.004 (3%)
WIL Wilton Resources Inc 0.70 0.68 +0.02 (3%)
SLG San Lorenzo Gold Corp 1.68 1.633 +0.047 (3%)
TGL Transglobe Energy Corp 8.10 7.878 +0.222 (3%)
SPD Silver Predator Corp 0.33 0.321 +0.009 (3%)
DOS Dios Exploration Inc 0.22 0.214 +0.006 (3%)
BTE Baytex Energy Corp 57.02 55.481 +1.539 (3%)
INE Innergex Renewable Energy Inc 9.428 9.174 +0.254 (3%)
KEY Keyera Corp 48.654 47.376 +1.278 (3%)
OSU Orsu Metals Corporation 0.115 0.112 +0.003 (3%)
CNE Canacol Energy Ltd 0.66 0.643 +0.017 (3%)
PUR Premier American Uranium Inc 2.72 2.65 +0.07 (3%)
MSA Mineros S.A. 0.275 0.268 +0.007 (3%)
CNQ Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 37.77 36.814 +0.956 (3%)
BK Canadian Banc Corp 9.60 9.357 +0.243 (3%)
ARG Amerigo Resources Ltd 0.56 0.546 +0.014 (3%)
MTC Metalcorp Ltd 0.04 0.039 +0.001 (3%)
SRE Saville Resources Inc 0.08 0.078 +0.002 (3%)
POW Power Corp of Canada Sv 22.162 21.621 +0.541 (2%)
NWC The North West Company Inc 19.97 19.483 +0.487 (2%)
PKI Parkland Fuel Corp 12.073 11.782 +0.291 (2%)
POU Paramount Resources Ltd 41.44 40.447 +0.993 (2%)
HXU Betapro S&P TSX 60 2X Daily Bull ETF 16.84 16.441 +0.399 (2%)
BNS Bank of Nova Scotia 50.91 49.713 +1.197 (2%)
WJX Wajax Corp 39.20 38.276 +0.924 (2%)
RPP Regent Pacific Properties Inc 0.085 0.083 +0.002 (2%)
FDN First Trust Dow Jones Internet ETF 0.085 0.083 +0.002 (2%)
ESK Eskay Mining Corp 0.085 0.083 +0.002 (2%)
UEX Uex Corp 0.64 0.625 +0.015 (2%)
MAW Mawson Gold Ltd 1.69 1.651 +0.039 (2%)
ATC Atac Resources Ltd 2.60 2.54 +0.06 (2%)
ACQ Autocanada Inc 5.958 5.821 +0.137 (2%)
CP Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd 66.251 64.728 +1.523 (2%)
AIF Altus Group Ltd 3.37 3.293 +0.077 (2%)
DR Medical Facilities Corp 11.573 11.309 +0.264 (2%)
PFC Petrofrontier Corp 1.10 1.075 +0.025 (2%)
RGD Reunion Gold Corp 0.85 0.831 +0.019 (2%)
IBG Ibi Group Inc 11.842 11.582 +0.26 (2%)
IMO Imperial Oil 44.05 43.098 +0.952 (2%)
CWB Canadian Western Bank 26.164 25.603 +0.561 (2%)
NA National Bank of Canada 72.01 70.469 +1.541 (2%)
BIR Birchcliff Energy Ltd 13.93 13.634 +0.296 (2%)
CIC CI Can Banks Cov Call Income Class ETF 9.49 9.289 +0.201 (2%)
CPG Crescent Point Energy Corp 44.64 43.70 +0.94 (2%)
WCP Whitecap Resources Inc 8.44 8.262 +0.178 (2%)
FM First Quantum Minerals Ltd 19.58 19.173 +0.407 (2%)
HWO High Arctic Energy Services Inc 1.164 1.14 +0.024 (2%)
CRE Critical Elements Lithium Corp 0.145 0.142 +0.003 (2%)
PSI Pason Systems Inc 12.30 12.048 +0.252 (2%)
SU Suncor Energy Inc 29.28 28.684 +0.596 (2%)
CPX Capital Power Corp 22.815 22.355 +0.46 (2%)
PHX Phx Energy Services Corp 10.66 10.447 +0.213 (2%)
BVA Bravada Gold Corp 0.05 0.049 +0.001 (2%)
EV Erin Ventures Inc 0.10 0.098 +0.002 (2%)
JAX Jaxon Mining Inc 0.15 0.147 +0.003 (2%)
FFH Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 433.38 424.874 +8.506 (2%)
AGT Applied Graphite Technologies Corp 19.299 18.926 +0.373 (2%)
TRP TC Energy Corp 44.45 43.594 +0.856 (2%)
CU Canadian Utilities Ltd Cl A NV 61.75 60.565 +1.185 (2%)
CEC Canasia Energy Corp 0.21 0.206 +0.004 (2%)
IFR International Frontier Resources Corpora 0.105 0.103 +0.002 (2%)
ELO Eloro Resources Ltd 0.105 0.103 +0.002 (2%)
TML Treasury Metals Inc 0.95 0.932 +0.018 (2%)
TD Toronto-Dominion Bank 73.707 72.308 +1.399 (2%)
TIH Toromont Ind 21.01 20.617 +0.393 (2%)
VNP 5N Plus Inc 5.12 5.024 +0.096 (2%)
MRC Morguard Corp 74.75 73.351 +1.399 (2%)
ENB Enbridge Inc 37.60 36.895 +0.705 (2%)
GDX Goldex Resources Corp 0.055 0.054 +0.001 (2%)
C Contact Gold Inc 0.11 0.108 +0.002 (2%)
VET Vermilion Energy Inc 45.647 44.84 +0.807 (2%)
XFN Ishares S&P TSX Capped Financials ETF 21.04 20.67 +0.37 (2%)
EMA Emera Incorporated 32.215 31.653 +0.562 (2%)
TIN Tincorp Metals Inc 0.40 0.393 +0.007 (2%)
FRU Freehold Royalties Ltd 19.65 19.309 +0.341 (2%)
AGI Alamos Gold Inc Cls A 17.23 16.931 +0.299 (2%)
BRE Bridgemarq Real Estate Services Inc 12.034 11.825 +0.209 (2%)
TAO Tag Oil Ltd 7.04 6.918 +0.122 (2%)
XEG Ishares S&P TSX Capped Energy Index ETF 16.80 16.51 +0.29 (2%)
GQ Great Quest Gold Ltd 1.79 1.759 +0.031 (2%)
ERF Enerplus Corp 24.654 24.231 +0.423 (2%)
AOI Africa Oil Corp 1.57 1.543 +0.027 (2%)
FSY Forsys Metals Corp 0.66 0.649 +0.011 (2%)
NPI Northland Power Inc 17.88 17.583 +0.297 (2%)
TNR Tnr Gold Corp 0.06 0.059 +0.001 (2%)
CFP Canfor Corp 10.37 10.201 +0.169 (2%)
FNR 49 North Resources Inc 3.129 3.078 +0.051 (2%)
CS Capstone Mining Corp 2.81 2.765 +0.045 (2%)
MFM Marifil Mines Ltd 0.125 0.123 +0.002 (2%)
SNC Snc-Lavalin Sv 48.753 47.986 +0.767 (2%)
UFS Domtar Corp 81.675 80.395 +1.28 (2%)
LIO Lion One Metals Ltd 1.09 1.073 +0.017 (2%)
ACP Arcpacific Resources Corp 0.13 0.128 +0.002 (2%)
SDE Spartan Delta Corp 0.13 0.128 +0.002 (2%)
WEB Westbridge Renewable Energy Corp 0.195 0.192 +0.003 (2%)
AYA Aya Gold and Silver Inc 2.30 2.265 +0.035 (2%)
FTS Fortis Inc 33.05 32.55 +0.50 (2%)
ALA AltaGas Ltd 31.99 31.509 +0.481 (2%)
OYL Cgx Energy Inc 1.07 1.054 +0.016 (2%)
BCE BCE Inc 39.946 39.363 +0.583 (1%)
MIN Excelsior Mining Corp 0.62 0.611 +0.009 (1%)
LN Loncor Gold Inc 1.32 1.301 +0.019 (1%)
VVC Vvc Exploration Corp 0.14 0.138 +0.002 (1%)
NTR Nutrien Ltd 0.14 0.138 +0.002 (1%)
IGM Igm Financial Inc 45.37 44.726 +0.644 (1%)
GDC Genesis Land J 3.01 2.968 +0.042 (1%)
T Telus Corp 56.035 55.252 +0.783 (1%)
FSV Firstservice Corp 25.97 25.607 +0.363 (1%)
MRZ Mirasol Resources Ltd 3.21 3.165 +0.045 (1%)
ATA Ats Automation 6.06 5.976 +0.084 (1%)
SXP Supremex Inc 1.66 1.637 +0.023 (1%)
STN Stantec Inc 27.32 26.945 +0.375 (1%)
HBM Hudbay Minerals Inc 10.07 9.932 +0.138 (1%)
RSI Rogers Sugar Inc 5.25 5.179 +0.071 (1%)
HBD Betapro Gold Bullion 2X Daily Bear ETF 14.58 14.385 +0.195 (1%)
JAG Jaguar Mining Inc 6.43 6.344 +0.086 (1%)
POE Pan Orient Energy Corp 2.01 1.983 +0.027 (1%)
TVC Three Valley Copper Corp 0.075 0.074 +0.001 (1%)
RET Reitmans Canada 15.10 14.90 +0.20 (1%)
AFN Ag Growth International Inc 36.85 36.371 +0.479 (1%)
NGC Northern Graphite Corp 0.85 0.839 +0.011 (1%)
SGN Scorpio Gold Corporation 0.87 0.859 +0.011 (1%)
MBX Microbix J 0.16 0.158 +0.002 (1%)
TWO T2 Metals Corp 0.16 0.158 +0.002 (1%)
CNR Canadian National Railway Co. 78.45 77.49 +0.96 (1%)
DNT Candente Copper Corp 1.00 0.988 +0.012 (1%)
FFN North American Financial 15 Split Corp 2.85 2.816 +0.034 (1%)
ABN Aben Resources Ltd 0.085 0.084 +0.001 (1%)
AMT Ameritrust Financial Technologies Inc 0.085 0.084 +0.001 (1%)
XDV Ishares Canadian Select Div Index ETF 20.41 20.171 +0.239 (1%)
DSG Descartes Sys 7.38 7.294 +0.086 (1%)
FMS Focus Graphite Inc 0.70 0.692 +0.008 (1%)
RRS Rogue Resources Inc 0.175 0.173 +0.002 (1%)
ONE 01 Communique Laboratory Inc 0.53 0.524 +0.006 (1%)
CSU Constellation Software Inc 77.36 76.481 +0.879 (1%)
L Loblaw CO 36.881 36.465 +0.416 (1%)
AAV Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd 4.18 4.134 +0.046 (1%)
XSP Ishares Core S&P 500 ETF CAD Hdg ETF 14.38 14.222 +0.158 (1%)
GH Gamehost Inc 11.26 11.137 +0.123 (1%)
MFI Maple Leaf Foods 10.78 10.663 +0.117 (1%)
GGI Garibaldi Resources Corp 0.185 0.183 +0.002 (1%)
FCO Fabled Silver Gold Corp 0.56 0.554 +0.006 (1%)
DS Dividend Select 15 Corp 8.67 8.579 +0.091 (1%)
CEM Constantine Metal Resources Ltd 0.095 0.094 +0.001 (1%)
HI Highland Copper Company Inc 0.095 0.094 +0.001 (1%)
AIM Aimia Inc 11.459 11.342 +0.117 (1%)
PBH Premium Brands Holdings Corp 16.83 16.661 +0.169 (1%)
MTA Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd 0.71 0.703 +0.007 (1%)
LUC Lucara Diamond Corp 0.81 0.802 +0.008 (1%)
ORA Aura Minerals Inc 1.12 1.109 +0.011 (1%)
SPP Spot Coffee Ltd 0.205 0.203 +0.002 (1%)
LTV Leonovus Inc 0.205 0.203 +0.002 (1%)
CSY CI First Asset Core Can Equity Inc Class ETF 8.23 8.15 +0.08 (1%)
EFR Energy Fuels Inc 0.31 0.307 +0.003 (1%)
NFI Nfi Group Inc. 5.362 5.31 +0.052 (1%)
BRK Berkshire Hathaway Cdr (Cad Hedged) 3.024 2.995 +0.029 (1%)
DAY Dayforce Inc 10.07 9.973 +0.097 (1%)
CM Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce 70.491 69.825 +0.666 (1%)
TVE Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd 0.325 0.322 +0.003 (1%)
GWO Great-West Lifeco Inc 19.291 19.123 +0.168 (1%)
ILC International Lithium Corp 0.115 0.114 +0.001 (1%)
AU Aurion Resources Ltd 0.23 0.228 +0.002 (1%)
FSZ Fiera Capital Corp 5.969 5.918 +0.051 (1%)
MIM Mimedia Holdings Inc 31.645 31.374 +0.271 (1%)
CTA Centaurus Energy Inc 3.56 3.53 +0.03 (1%)
VLN Velan Inc Sv 11.70 11.603 +0.097 (1%)
EQX Equinox Gold Corp 0.12 0.119 +0.001 (1%)
TXG Torex Gold Resources Inc 1.60 1.587 +0.013 (1%)
BDT Bird Construction Inc 11.61 11.516 +0.094 (1%)
SES Secure Energy Services Inc 6.98 6.924 +0.056 (1%)
DMI Diamcor Mining Inc 0.39 0.387 +0.003 (1%)
NPK Verde Agritech Plc 7.00 6.946 +0.054 (1%)
SAP Saputo Inc 38.90 38.606 +0.294 (1%)
TII Terra Firma Capital Corp 0.40 0.397 +0.003 (1%)
MDI Major Drilling Grp 15.38 15.265 +0.115 (1%)
ITP Intertape Polymer 3.10 3.077 +0.023 (1%)
BNE Bonterra Energy Corp 51.71 51.332 +0.378 (1%)
XIU Ishares S&P TSX 60 Index ETF 16.98 16.856 +0.124 (1%)
CGI CDN General Inv 15.49 15.376 +0.114 (1%)
PSD Pulse Seismic Inc 1.80 1.787 +0.013 (1%)
AR Argonaut Gold Inc 6.76 6.712 +0.048 (1%)
CRP Ceres Global Ag Corp 4.91 4.876 +0.034 (1%)
HEO H2O Innovation Inc 0.29 0.288 +0.002 (1%)
CSX Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd 0.295 0.293 +0.002 (1%)
MDL Medallion Resources Ltd 0.15 0.149 +0.001 (1%)
AMM Almaden Minerals Ltd 2.29 2.275 +0.015 (1%)
SSL Sandstorm Gold Ltd 1.24 1.232 +0.008 (1%)
XIC Ishares Core S&P TSX Capped Comp ETF 18.75 18.63 +0.12 (1%)
YRI Yamana Gold Inc 15.21 15.114 +0.096 (1%)
WRX Western Resources Corp 0.81 0.805 +0.005 (1%)
ISC Information Services Corp 2.525 2.51 +0.015 (1%)
SVB Silver Bull Resources Inc 0.53 0.527 +0.003 (1%)
ANK Angkor Resources Corp 0.36 0.358 +0.002 (1%)
ALS Altius Minerals Corp 11.10 11.039 +0.061 (1%)
XMD Ishares S&P TSX Completion Index ETF 20.88 20.768 +0.112 (1%)
DRX Adf Group Inc Sv 1.30 1.293 +0.007 (1%)
UWE U3O8 Corp 0.375 0.373 +0.002 (1%)
XMC Ishares S&P US Midcap Index ETF 0.95 0.945 +0.005 (1%)
XIN Ishares MSCI EAFE Index ETF 15.64 15.557 +0.083 (1%)
MHI Mineral Hill Industries Ltd 0.19 0.189 +0.001 (1%)
PJX Pjx Resources Inc 0.19 0.189 +0.001 (1%)
CYB Cymbria Corp Cl A 11.94 11.878 +0.062 (1%)
XTR Ishares Diversified Monthly Income ETF 12.12 12.059 +0.061 (1%)
GCM Gran Colombia Gold Corp 0.405 0.403 +0.002 (0%)
YGR Yangarra Resources Ltd 0.60 0.597 +0.003 (0%)
GVC Glacier Media Inc 2.07 2.06 +0.01 (0%)
MGA Mega Uranium Ltd 0.21 0.209 +0.001 (0%)
MAI Minera Alamos Inc 1.46 1.453 +0.007 (0%)
TRI Thomson Reuters Corp 26.93 26.803 +0.127 (0%)
IVN Ivanhoe Mines Ltd 18.31 18.224 +0.086 (0%)
GPM Gpm Metals Inc 0.215 0.214 +0.001 (0%)
CWV Crown Point Energy Inc 0.88 0.876 +0.004 (0%)
MG Magna International Inc 34.15 33.996 +0.154 (0%)
SGY Surge Energy Inc 9.14 9.099 +0.041 (0%)
XRE Ishares S&P TSX Capped REIT Index ETF 15.39 15.324 +0.066 (0%)
IMP Intermap Tech Corp 0.47 0.468 +0.002 (0%)
TOT Total Energy Services Inc 16.90 16.835 +0.065 (0%)
HCG Home Capital Group Inc 47.509 47.326 +0.183 (0%)
CPI Carlton Precious Inc 0.52 0.518 +0.002 (0%)
SBR Silver Bear Resources Plc 0.54 0.538 +0.002 (0%)
LGO Largo Resources Ltd 0.28 0.279 +0.001 (0%)
GMN Gobimin Inc 0.58 0.578 +0.002 (0%)
PRO Pershimex Resources Corp 0.88 0.877 +0.003 (0%)
AII Almonty Industries Inc 0.89 0.887 +0.003 (0%)
GEL Graphano Energy Ltd 0.31 0.309 +0.001 (0%)
BAT Batero Gold Corp 1.97 1.964 +0.006 (0%)
MMV Mineral Mountain Resources Ltd 0.32 0.319 +0.001 (0%)
CAE Cae Inc 9.77 9.741 +0.029 (0%)
RVX Resverlogix Corp 1.35 1.346 +0.004 (0%)
SOY Sunopta Inc 5.25 5.235 +0.015 (0%)
FAR Foraco International Sa 3.90 3.889 +0.011 (0%)
NCU Nevada Copper Corp 5.00 4.986 +0.014 (0%)
FC Firm Capital Mortgage Inv. Corp 13.00 12.968 +0.032 (0%)
FN First National Financial Corp 15.728 15.692 +0.036 (0%)
IFC Intact Financial Corp 58.486 58.353 +0.133 (0%)
XTC Exco Tech 3.251 3.244 +0.007 (0%)
RIO Rio2 Ltd 3.25 3.243 +0.007 (0%)
MFC Manulife Fin 10.49 10.468 +0.022 (0%)
MTL Mullen Group Ltd 18.887 18.848 +0.039 (0%)
TRA Teras Resources Inc 0.475 0.474 +0.001 (0%)
WN George Weston Limited 65.475 65.35 +0.125 (0%)
BMO Bank of Montreal 55.50 55.402 +0.098 (0%)
FAP Aberdeen Asia-Pacific Income Invest Ltd 7.123 7.11 +0.013 (0%)
UNS Uni Select Inc 25.97 25.924 +0.046 (0%)
LGC Lavras Gold Corp 0.60 0.599 +0.001 (0%)
GEI Gibson Energy Inc 18.011 17.984 +0.027 (0%)
LAC Lithium Americas Corp 1.31 1.308 +0.002 (0%)
GGD Gogold Resources Inc 1.30 1.298 +0.002 (0%)
ATH Athabasca Oil Corp 12.12 12.106 +0.014 (0%)
TA Transalta Corp 20.86 20.835 +0.025 (0%)
PNG Kraken Robotics Inc 36.71 36.668 +0.042 (0%)
SGE Strategem Capital Corp 1.75 1.748 +0.002 (0%)
FTT Finning Intl 22.62 22.60 +0.02 (0%)
UNC United Corp Ltd 42.55 42.516 +0.034 (0%)
S Sherritt Intl Rv 5.36 5.358 +0.002 (0%)
CCO Cameco Corp 18.30 18.299 +0.001 (0%)
GXS Goldsource Mines Inc 0.275 0.00 +0.275 (0%)
EFN Element Fleet Management Corp 4.85 0.00 +4.85 (0%)
WCC Consolidated Woodjam Copper Corp 0.30 0.00 +0.30 (0%)
RAK Rackla Metals Inc 0.21 0.00 +0.21 (0%)
EOG Eco Atlantic Oil and Gas Ltd 0.61 0.00 +0.61 (0%)
FTJ Fort ST James Nickel Corp 0.115 0.00 +0.115 (0%)
Stock Price Date: Dec 23, 2011

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