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MFI9 cross above 80

Stock Name Company Close MFI9 Variance(%)
IEI Imperial Equities Inc 3.00 99.01 +19.01 (24%)
XTM Transition Metals Corp 0.40 99.01 +19.01 (24%)
FMC Forum Energy Metals Corp 1.76 98.773 +18.773 (23%)
SRE Saville Resources Inc 0.08 98.116 +18.116 (23%)
GH Gamehost Inc 11.26 98.084 +18.084 (23%)
NWC The North West Company Inc 19.97 95.428 +15.428 (19%)
HBP Helix Biopharm 2.10 94.841 +14.841 (19%)
Z Zinc One Resources Inc 0.22 94.096 +14.096 (18%)
DCM Data Communications Mgmt Corp 1.11 94.069 +14.069 (18%)
HWY Highway 50 Gold Corp 0.35 92.278 +12.278 (15%)
ESN Essential Energy Services Ltd 2.07 91.303 +11.303 (14%)
WEB Westbridge Renewable Energy Corp 0.195 90.862 +10.862 (14%)
DND Dye & Durham Ltd 0.69 89.62 +9.62 (12%)
NCI Ntg Clarity Networks Inc 0.115 89.526 +9.526 (12%)
MT M3 Metals Corp. 9.44 89.277 +9.277 (12%)
RDL Redline Communications Group Inc 0.67 88.572 +8.572 (11%)
JE Just Energy Group Inc 11.27 88.389 +8.389 (10%)
WEE Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc 0.98 88.157 +8.157 (10%)
CTH Cotec Holdings Corp 0.025 87.743 +7.743 (10%)
PKI Parkland Fuel Corp 12.073 87.00 +7.00 (9%)
APM Andean Precious Metals Corp 0.085 86.047 +6.047 (8%)
LB Laurentian Bank 46.35 85.967 +5.967 (7%)
BDT Bird Construction Inc 11.61 85.916 +5.916 (7%)
ACQ Autocanada Inc 5.958 85.714 +5.714 (7%)
MGG Minaurum Gold Inc 0.275 85.506 +5.506 (7%)
KEC Kiwetinohk Energy Corp 0.105 85.48 +5.48 (7%)
TWO T2 Metals Corp 0.16 85.465 +5.465 (7%)
NCU Nevada Copper Corp 5.00 85.289 +5.289 (7%)
SDI Stampede Drilling Inc 0.265 85.277 +5.277 (7%)
AFN Ag Growth International Inc 36.85 85.015 +5.015 (6%)
SAY Sparta Capital Ltd 0.05 85.003 +5.003 (6%)
LKY Lucky Minerals Inc 0.41 84.842 +4.842 (6%)
CGP Cornerstone Capital Resources Inc 0.15 84.757 +4.757 (6%)
HLF High Liner 16.147 84.375 +4.375 (5%)
AAN Aton Resources Inc 0.075 84.265 +4.265 (5%)
FNC Fancamp Exploration Ltd 0.295 83.808 +3.808 (5%)
TV Trevali Mining Corp 0.91 83.537 +3.537 (4%)
WIN Windfall Geotek Inc 5.89 83.499 +3.499 (4%)
T Telus Corp 56.035 83.319 +3.319 (4%)
KCC Kincora Copper Ltd 0.27 83.299 +3.299 (4%)
DNG Dynacor Gold Mines Inc 0.66 83.149 +3.149 (4%)
FN First National Financial Corp 15.728 82.62 +2.62 (3%)
RTM Rt Minerals Corp 0.09 82.225 +2.225 (3%)
DOL Dollarama Inc 44.69 81.97 +1.97 (2%)
MMS Macarthur Minerals Ltd 1.05 81.955 +1.955 (2%)
FTG Firan Technology Group Corp 0.45 81.773 +1.773 (2%)
POW Power Corp of Canada Sv 22.162 81.736 +1.736 (2%)
AQN Algonquin Power and Utilities Corp 6.373 81.588 +1.588 (2%)
TIH Toromont Ind 21.01 81.541 +1.541 (2%)
NPI Northland Power Inc 17.88 80.375 +0.375 (0%)
SBC Brompton Split Banc Corp Cl A 10.17 80.242 +0.242 (0%)
Stock Price Date: Dec 23, 2011

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