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ROC250 cross above 8

Stock Name Company Close ROC(%) Variance(%)
NKL Conic Metals Corp 2.02 2,785.714 +2,777.714 (34721%)
WRG Western Energy Services Corp 8.152 2,276.676 +2,268.676 (28358%)
IQ Airiq Inc 0.07 1,300.00 +1,292.00 (16150%)
PTS Points International Ltd 8.13 1,078.261 +1,070.261 (13378%)
BLN Blackline Safety Corp 1.20 566.667 +558.667 (6983%)
HWO High Arctic Energy Services Inc 1.164 459.615 +451.615 (5645%)
GGD Gogold Resources Inc 1.30 441.667 +433.667 (5421%)
ENS E Split Corp 1.10 423.81 +415.81 (5198%)
KS Klondike Silver Corp 0.18 350.00 +342.00 (4275%)
SYH Skyharbour Resources Ltd 0.065 333.333 +325.333 (4067%)
VLE Valeura Energy Inc 1.52 310.811 +302.811 (3785%)
CNT Century Global Commodities Corp 0.07 250.00 +242.00 (3025%)
ADD Arctic Star Exploration Corp 0.13 225.00 +217.00 (2712%)
MHI Mineral Hill Industries Ltd 0.19 216.667 +208.667 (2608%)
PEA Pieridae Energy Ltd 1.50 188.462 +180.462 (2256%)
RMI Ridgestone Mining Inc 0.10 185.714 +177.714 (2221%)
DAN Arianne Phosphate Inc 1.30 182.609 +174.609 (2183%)
HBD Betapro Gold Bullion 2X Daily Bear ETF 14.58 176.66 +168.66 (2108%)
TWR Tower Resources Ltd 0.30 172.727 +164.727 (2059%)
SAT Asian Television Network Int Ltd 3.002 169.964 +161.964 (2025%)
ITP Intertape Polymer 3.10 164.957 +156.957 (1962%)
SPP Spot Coffee Ltd 0.205 156.25 +148.25 (1853%)
AAT Ati Airtest Technologies Inc 0.07 133.333 +125.333 (1567%)
RDL Redline Communications Group Inc 0.67 131.034 +123.034 (1538%)
CWC Cwc Energy Services Corp 0.60 130.769 +122.769 (1535%)
DYA Dynacert Inc 0.15 130.769 +122.769 (1535%)
ISC Information Services Corp 2.525 120.91 +112.91 (1411%)
HND Betapro Nat Gas 2X Daily Bear ETF 17.85 113.772 +105.772 (1322%)
AM Academy Metals Inc 1.89 112.36 +104.36 (1304%)
PVG Pretium Resources Inc 13.19 106.416 +98.416 (1230%)
CTA Centaurus Energy Inc 3.56 102.273 +94.273 (1178%)
ELN El Nino Ventures Inc 0.115 91.667 +83.667 (1046%)
PRO Pershimex Resources Corp 0.88 79.592 +71.592 (895%)
SGZ Sego Resources Inc 0.26 79.31 +71.31 (891%)
MT M3 Metals Corp. 9.44 71.636 +63.636 (795%)
FAR Foraco International Sa 3.90 68.831 +60.831 (760%)
RGC Relevant Gold Corp 0.455 68.519 +60.519 (756%)
NIO Niocan Inc 0.70 66.667 +58.667 (733%)
SAM Starcore International Mines Ltd 0.20 66.667 +58.667 (733%)
AOT Ascot Resources Ltd 1.00 66.667 +58.667 (733%)
OR Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd 0.38 65.217 +57.217 (715%)
CMI C-COM Satellite Systems Inc 0.55 61.765 +53.765 (672%)
MIT The Mint Corporation 0.16 60.00 +52.00 (650%)
MTU Manitou Gold Inc 0.48 60.00 +52.00 (650%)
MEQ Mainstreet Eq J 23.71 59.556 +51.556 (644%)
C Contact Gold Inc 0.11 57.143 +49.143 (614%)
RSV Resolve Ventures Inc 0.25 56.25 +48.25 (603%)
KLS Kelso Technologies Inc 0.57 56.164 +48.164 (602%)
DOL Dollarama Inc 44.69 55.228 +47.228 (590%)
SSL Sandstorm Gold Ltd 1.24 55.00 +47.00 (588%)
CSU Constellation Software Inc 77.36 54.751 +46.751 (584%)
MRC Morguard Corp 74.75 54.124 +46.124 (577%)
MPC Madison Pac Cl B 3.40 51.111 +43.111 (539%)
GZD Grizzly Discoveries Inc 0.52 50.725 +42.725 (534%)
TRU Tru Precious Metals Corp 0.105 50.00 +42.00 (525%)
ALA AltaGas Ltd 31.99 47.419 +39.419 (493%)
USS Uniserve Communications Corp 0.11 46.667 +38.667 (483%)
AR Argonaut Gold Inc 6.76 46.32 +38.32 (479%)
CXB Calibre Mining Corp 0.19 46.154 +38.154 (477%)
BIR Birchcliff Energy Ltd 13.93 46.017 +38.017 (475%)
FMS Focus Graphite Inc 0.70 45.833 +37.833 (473%)
EIF Exchange Income Corp 24.937 45.405 +37.405 (468%)
TUO Teuton Resources Corp 0.44 44.262 +36.262 (453%)
SAY Sparta Capital Ltd 0.05 42.857 +34.857 (436%)
ACQ Autocanada Inc 5.958 42.23 +34.23 (428%)
PPL Pembina Pipeline Corp 28.528 41.361 +33.361 (417%)
ABM Aben Minerals Ltd 0.36 41.176 +33.176 (415%)
IZN Inzinc Mining Ltd 1.09 37.975 +29.975 (375%)
RBX Robex Resources Inc 0.20 37.931 +29.931 (374%)
ADN Acadian Timber Corp 10.22 36.449 +28.449 (356%)
VGZ Vista Gold Corp 3.22 35.294 +27.294 (341%)
EDR Endeavour Silver Corp 9.87 35.205 +27.205 (340%)
RGD Reunion Gold Corp 0.85 34.921 +26.921 (337%)
FVL Freegold Ventures Ltd 0.70 34.615 +26.615 (333%)
SGE Strategem Capital Corp 1.75 34.615 +26.615 (333%)
PRB Probe Gold Inc 2.17 33.951 +25.951 (324%)
WCP Whitecap Resources Inc 8.44 33.333 +25.333 (317%)
CVX Cematrix Corp 0.06 33.333 +25.333 (317%)
MND Mandalay Resources Corp 0.61 32.609 +24.609 (308%)
REG Regulus Resources Inc 1.50 31.579 +23.579 (295%)
ELO Eloro Resources Ltd 0.105 31.25 +23.25 (291%)
RIO Rio2 Ltd 3.25 31.048 +23.048 (288%)
CUU Copper Fox Metals Inc 1.14 31.034 +23.034 (288%)
POU Paramount Resources Ltd 41.44 30.808 +22.808 (285%)
APM Andean Precious Metals Corp 0.085 30.769 +22.769 (285%)
PET Pet Valu Holdings Ltd 0.085 30.769 +22.769 (285%)
CNO California Nanotechnologies Corp 0.065 30.00 +22.00 (275%)
DMI Diamcor Mining Inc 0.39 30.00 +22.00 (275%)
AQN Algonquin Power and Utilities Corp 6.373 29.876 +21.876 (273%)
ROX Canstar Resources Inc 0.175 29.63 +21.63 (270%)
TCS Tecsys Inc J 2.20 29.412 +21.412 (268%)
GER Glen Eagle Resources Inc 0.33 29.412 +21.412 (268%)
CGO Cogeco Inc Sv 48.42 29.154 +21.154 (264%)
DEF DeFiance Silver Corp 0.55 27.907 +19.907 (249%)
TGO Terago Inc 10.08 27.595 +19.595 (245%)
GPM Gpm Metals Inc 0.215 26.471 +18.471 (231%)
TOU Tourmaline Oil Corp 27.53 26.284 +18.284 (229%)
SPA Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd 0.78 25.806 +17.806 (223%)
T Telus Corp 56.035 25.749 +17.749 (222%)
SGY Surge Energy Inc 9.14 25.549 +17.549 (219%)
TDG Tdg Gold Corp 7.708 24.142 +16.142 (202%)
FR First Majestic Silver Corp Common 17.86 24.028 +16.028 (200%)
CCA Cogeco Communications Inc 50.56 23.257 +15.257 (191%)
IGX Intelgenx Technologies Corp 0.53 23.256 +15.256 (191%)
PNG Kraken Robotics Inc 36.71 22.367 +14.367 (180%)
KRN Karnalyte Resources Inc 10.25 22.315 +14.315 (179%)
STA Sanatana Resources Inc 0.23 21.053 +13.053 (163%)
SGN Scorpio Gold Corporation 0.87 20.833 +12.833 (160%)
YRI Yamana Gold Inc 15.21 20.676 +12.676 (158%)
OMG Omai Gold Mines Corp 2.975 20.641 +12.641 (158%)
PBH Premium Brands Holdings Corp 16.83 20.386 +12.386 (155%)
TOT Total Energy Services Inc 16.90 19.519 +11.519 (144%)
SES Secure Energy Services Inc 6.98 19.316 +11.316 (141%)
CNR Canadian National Railway Co. 78.45 18.723 +10.723 (134%)
SJ Stella Jones Inc 39.50 18.654 +10.654 (133%)
GPG Grande Portage Resources Ltd 0.16 18.519 +10.519 (131%)
FTG Firan Technology Group Corp 0.45 18.421 +10.421 (130%)
BCE BCE Inc 39.946 17.571 +9.571 (120%)
CKK Cordy Oilfield Services Inc 0.27 17.391 +9.391 (117%)
FVI Fortuna Silver Mines Inc 5.60 17.155 +9.155 (114%)
MTL Mullen Group Ltd 18.887 17.136 +9.136 (114%)
TRP TC Energy Corp 44.45 17.004 +9.004 (113%)
NTS Nanotech Security Corp 1.04 16.854 +8.854 (111%)
MN Manganese X Energy Corp 4.77 16.341 +8.341 (104%)
FNV Franco-Nevada Corp 38.509 16.026 +8.026 (100%)
HNU Betapro Nat Gas 2X Daily Bull ETF 7.73 15.892 +7.892 (99%)
NRN Northern Shield Resources Inc 0.185 15.625 +7.625 (95%)
IFC Intact Financial Corp 58.486 15.514 +7.514 (94%)
XRB Ishares CDN Real Return Bond Index ETF 25.49 14.716 +6.716 (84%)
JEC Jura Energy Corp 0.04 14.286 +6.286 (79%)
XRE Ishares S&P TSX Capped REIT Index ETF 15.39 14.254 +6.254 (78%)
OTC Ocumetics Technology Corp 51.94 13.58 +5.58 (70%)
CU Canadian Utilities Ltd Cl A NV 61.75 13.511 +5.511 (69%)
X TMX Group Ltd 41.161 13.176 +5.176 (65%)
SME Sama Resources Inc Ressources Sama Inc 0.40 12.676 +4.676 (58%)
VVC Vvc Exploration Corp 0.14 12.00 +4.00 (50%)
PD Precision Drilling Corp 10.75 11.979 +3.979 (50%)
TC Tucows Inc 0.76 11.765 +3.765 (47%)
HXD Betapro S&P TSX 60 2X Daily Bear ETF 10.16 10.917 +2.917 (36%)
HED Betapro S&P TSX Cap Engy 2X Dly Bear ETF 4.59 10.87 +2.87 (36%)
GC Great Canadian Gaming Corp 8.13 10.612 +2.612 (33%)
BSX Belo Sun Mining Corp 0.97 10.227 +2.227 (28%)
IMO Imperial Oil 44.05 10.048 +2.048 (26%)
BEA Belmont Resources Inc 0.11 10.00 +2.00 (25%)
BTO B2Gold Corp 2.95 9.665 +1.665 (21%)
UFS Domtar Corp 81.675 8.778 +0.778 (10%)
MIN Excelsior Mining Corp 0.62 8.772 +0.772 (10%)
NCU Nevada Copper Corp 5.00 8.696 +0.696 (9%)
EMA Emera Incorporated 32.215 8.10 +0.10 (1%)
ESI Ensign Energy Services Inc 16.125 8.055 +0.055 (1%)
Stock Price Date: Dec 23, 2011

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