Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2018-05-17 17:47 | Report Abuse

AXM.V Year End Results. (Finacials + MD&A) Ending December 31st 2017 All Information Can Be Found On Price: $0.14 Common Shares: 130,497,381 Options: 8,240,000 Insider/Institutional Holdings: 82,089,114 – 63% Financials For 2017 – All Numbers Are In USD. 2016 Comparison Numbers Added Multiply By 1.28 To Get CAD Value ASSETS($USD) Cash: $1,115,331 (2016 - $270,238) Receivables: $610,477 (2016 - $133,799) Prepaid Expenses: $12,934 (2016 - $12,084) Total Assets: $1,738,742 (2016 - $516,121) LIABILITIES($USD) Accounts Payable: $2,440,820 (2016 - $2,448,203) Amounts Due To Related Parties: $190,355 (2016 - $180,979) Liabilities Of Discontinued Operations: $323,103 (2016 - $323,103) Total Liabilities: $2,954,278 (2016 - $2,952,285) Revenue($USD) Royalty Income: $1,585,578 G&A Expenses: $388,268 Net Income: $1,141,752 2017 Net Income Converted Into Earnings $1,141,752USD X 1.28CAD = $1,461,443 CAD earnings for 2017 $1,461,443 / 130,497,381 = $0.011 cents earnings per share in CAD MD&A Highlights Operations Central African Republic – Passendro Gold Project The Company’s primary asset is the Passendro gold project, which is situated in the centre of a 25-year Mining License (355 sq km) that was awarded to AXMIN in August 2010. At the same time, the Company was also awarded two, three-year renewable Exploration Licenses, Bambari 1 and 2 (1,240 sq km), which ring fence the Mining License and cover a 90 km strike along the highly prospective Bambari greenstone belt. November 28, 2016, the Minister of Mines, Energy and Hydraulics of the CAR issued the Ministerial Order No 246/16/MMEH/DIRCAB/DGMD, giving an Exemption Certificate of one (1) year for exploration and research of the primary layer of gold and others related to substances of Licenses of BAMBARI 1 and 2 to Aurafrique SARL, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The period of the Exemption is valid within duration of one year from November 28, 2016 to November 27, 2017. In 2016, the Company incurred $1,000,000 for the extension of the licenses of BAMBARI 1 and 2, which is included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities in consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2016. On March 26, 2018, the Minister of Mining and Geology issued an executive order No 032/18/MMG/DIRCAB/DGM to grant Aurafrique SARL an extension period of exemption from exploration and research for one (1) year, running from March 22, 2018 to March 21, 2019. The Company through its in-country staff have maintained close communications with senior ministers and officials in Bangui and also in Bambari which is the closest city to the Company’s asset near Ndassima. AXMIN’s country manager Mr Boubacar Sidbe recently meet with the Vice Mayor of Bambari and Sub-prefect to discuss the situation on the ground and express the Company’s desire to get back on site. Meetings have also been held with the Mining Minister and Chief of the Office of the Head of State. AXMIN remains confident that stability will eventually return to the country and that the Company will be well positioned and ready to work with the elected government of the CAR to develop a pragmatic mining plan focusing on the extremely high-grade deposits that will be safe for our employees and contractors, have limited capital expenditure and hopefully achieve very profitable returns in a very timely fashion for shareholders. As of the date of this report, operations at Passendro remain suspended and although the Company continues to maintain a presence in the CAR (through its administrative office and permanently stationed employees in Bangui) and relationship with the State in the CAR, the Company is unable to predict when it will be able to resume its operations at Passendro for the foreseeable future, if at all. As a result, impairment in the amount of $37,346,576 was recognized at December 31, 2013 on exploration and evaluation (“E&E”) assets for the Bambari properties to reflect the decrease in their recoverable value as of result of the current unstable situation in CAR. As at December 31, 2017, given that impairment was recognized and the unstable condition remains the same, the residual value of E&E assets for the Passendro gold project was written down to $nil in 2016. This impairment recognized in the financial statements does not in any way mean that the Company is relinquishing its rights to the assets and it reflects the utmost conservative view by management on the objective circumstances and will be reviewed annually and subject to recovery when certain conditions are met pursuant to the accounting standards the Company has adopted. Senegal Joint Venture With regarding of Axmin owned 20% interest in the Sounkouko and Heremokono explorations permits, on June 18, 2015, in addition to its royalty interest of 1.5% NSR in the Gora Target Area, AXMIN has elected to convert its 20% interests in another 15 Target Areas into a 1.5% NSR from each Target Area. On Januar

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108 comment(s). Last comment by tafaxji 1 week ago

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-24 11:15 | Report Abuse

Peace Talks Between Rebels & Central African Republic Have Begun

Before reading the article below, keep in mind that the CAR government has already taken back a significant amount of area through it's FACA forces, with the help of the UN and Russia. The peace talks and embargo only speed things up, but Axmin announced their update without any regards to the events taking place. The company will get back on the claim either way.

NEWSROOM (ADV) – Inter-Central African peace talks in Central Africa are opening on Thursday, January 24, 2019 in Khartoum, the Sudanese capital.

The armed groups and the government are scheduled to meet in the Sudanese capital from 24 to 30 January to discuss the issues of peace in order to truly initiate the disarmament of armed groups for an end of the crisis in the Central African Republic, which is sinking into violence for several decades.

Several personalities and representatives of armed groups are invited by the African Union. Almost all armed groups have agreed to take part in these exchanges, despite the context of tensions in some cities in the interior of the country.

These so-called “last chance” talks present several issues. They come a the government launched the process of justice, something that these groups do not admit and advocate amnesty yet denounced by all.

The division of power, especially the prime minister, is part of the demands of these armed groups, who then demand a government of national unity.

This dialogue will open in a context of Western interferences following the Russian presence which made a remarkable diplomatic breakthrough for two years, after having been authorized by the UN Security Council to deliver arms to the Central African Armed Forces and to train them in handling these weapons. Also without losing sight of geopolitical and geostrategic issues.

Already, in a statement, the government invites the peace-loving Central Africans to mobilize behind the negotiating team with the firm intention of reaching a compromise with the armed groups, in the strict respect of the Constitution, the National Unity, Territorial Integrity, Secular and Republican Form of the State and Conclusions of the Bangui National Forum.

This dialogue of Khartoum, which is the first step according to the AU calendar, comes five months after the Russian initiative that brought together the 5 most influential rebel leaders of the country, who signed an agreement to guarantee the success of the African Peace Initiative.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-26 11:06 | Report Abuse

CAR / Khartoum peace talks: Central African government and rebels actively seeking compromise to achieve lasting peace

2019-01-26 Central African Republic , POLITICS

Khartoum, Sudan (ADV) - At the end of a first day of exchange and contact between Central African rebels and the Bangui government, everything gives the impression that clashes and misfortunes will be the ills that will now befall any nobody lurking or not in the shadows who would try to destabilize the Central African Republic; the willingness of the various protagonists of the Khartoum dialogue has been shown and we can no longer manifest in the early hours of the talks prepared since 2017, under the auspices of the African Union and initiated at the end of August by the Russian Federation, always here at Khartoum.

In the sudden capital, on 25 January, the Central African armed groups said they were optimistic about the continuation of the dialogue that takes place in the presence of the organizers and all the delegations that came to support the Central African brothers in this important moment in their history, in the search for lasting peace and national reconciliation for all the children of the country ... In their words, we mean a will to make a clean sweep of the past and disputes that have lasted too long, as evidenced by these words of a political adviser of the FPRC, Abakar Salom.

For its part, the Central African government, through its head of mission in Khartoum, Firmin Ngrebado, hailed the fact that the representatives of the armed groups are all in favor of a peace agreement to get the country out of the deadlock and security. to truly rebuild.

The government and rebel groups will therefore actively and responsibly seek this compromise, a prerequisite for the return of peace in the Central African Republic.

An episode that promises to be difficult, according to some observers, to the extent that, according to them, the main demand made by the armed groups revolves around the division of power and the request for a government of national unity.

However, it is important to note that at this stage of the exchanges, the demands of the rebel groups have already been heard by the Central African government. The government will certainly share its answers in the hours or days to come ...

Meanwhile, all the actors and organizers of these meetings welcomed the first moments of this dialogue and especially the day of 25 January 2019 behind closed doors, marked by a presentation on the origin of the conflict in Central Africa, the government statement of the Central African Mission in Khartoum and exchanges between the two sides in a question-and-answer format.

The rest of the process is certainly to come, but in Khartoum for the moment, on the future of the CAR, it is the tranquility that reigns.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-28 12:17 | Report Abuse

Bangui calls for UN arms embargo to be lifted

By AFP PUBLISHED: 08:35 EST, 28 January 2019 | UPDATED: 10:00 EST, 28 January 2019

The prime minister of Central African Republic led a rally of around 3,000 people on Monday calling for a global arms embargo to be lifted ahead of a UN meeting later this week.

The mineral-rich country, wracked by ethnic and religious conflict since 2013, has been subject to a UN Security Council arms and ammunition embargo for the past five years.

Speaking on a podium in Bangui's central Place des Martyrs, Prime Minister Mathieu Simplice Sarandji said: "This is a lock that deserves to be opened, this is an embargo which strikes our defence and security forces."

"The government respects the embargo while armed groups receive weapons! The people of Central African Republic can not understand this law of double standards," he said to cheers from the crowds in the capital.

The UN Security Council will on Thursday decide whether to renew the embargo, which bans weapon supplies to the country unless approved by a UN sanctions committee.

The authorities in Bangui have repeatedly called on the UN to lift the embargo.

The sanctions are aimed at ensuring imported weapons do not end up in the hands of militias in the corruption-prone country.

The committee has previously approved shipments of weapons from France and Russia but Chinese weapons deliveries have been blocked.

A UN report last year said "the recent acquisition of arms by the government has prompted factions" of militias to rearm.

Several protesters on Monday blamed UN Security Council member France for maintaining the embargo.

"We have soldiers who no longer work because of the embargo. It's because of France," said demonstrator Pierre.

"Only the army can ensure the security of CAR. We want Central African Republic to regain its sovereignty, we want the total lifting of the embargo," said another protester, Fiacre.

One of the world's poorest nations, Central African Republic has struggled to recover from a 2013 civil war that erupted when President Francois Bozize, a Christian, was overthrown by mainly Muslim Seleka rebels.

In response, Christians, who account for about 80 percent of the population, organised vigilante units dubbed "anti-Balaka" in reference to the balaka machetes used by Seleka rebels.

Thousands of people have died in the violence, 700,000 been internally displaced and another 570,000 have fled abroad.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-28 17:20 | Report Abuse

Central African Republic Peace Talks 'Going Well' - Sudan Observer

KHARTOUM (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 28th January, 2019) Talks in Khartoum to hammer out a peace deal between the government of Central African Republic and numerous armed groups are progressing, a Sudanese observer told Sputnik on Monday.

The African Union-brokered negotiations have been on since last Thursday. They are observed by the UN, Sudan, Gabon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, and Congo.

"The talks are going well ... The African Union has listened to them [sides] and put forth its first document with proposals for different parties," Ata Al-Mannan, a state minister with the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, said to Sputnik.

The minister said observers were sifting through the union's recommendations, which will lay the groundwork for the future arrangement between all stakeholders in Central African Republic.

The landlocked country has been suffering from a drawn-out conflict since a coup in 2013. Much of the fighting in recent years has been between Muslim-majority Seleka and Christian Anti-Balaka militias.

The government has sent a delegation of senior ministers to Khartoum, led by the president's chief of staff, Firmin Ngrebada. Delegates from 14 armed militias are attending, as are religious leaders, human rights advocates and other civil society figures.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-30 18:00 | Report Abuse

UN set to move toward easing Central African Republic arms embargo


The United Nations Security Council is set to open the door to an easing of the arms embargo on the Central African Republic, five years after the country stood on the verge of genocide.

The government has repeatedly called for the restrictions to be lifted to allow arms supplies to shore up its security forces fighting militias that control much of the country. Prime Minister Mathieu Simplice Sarandji led a rally of around 3,000 people on Monday calling for the arms embargo to be lifted.

The Security Council will vote on Thursday on a French-drafted resolution that calls for a review of the arms embargo by September if the Bangui government meets benchmarks in managing weapons, disarming militias and reforming its security sector, according to the text seen by AFP on Wednesday, January 30.

The draft resolution would renew the embargo until January 2020 but open the door to a partial lifting that would allow the government to purchase weapons without seeking approval from the U.N. sanctions committee.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will submit a report by the end of July on whether the government has met the benchmarks after CAR presents its own findings by June 30.

Diplomats said Wednesday they expect the measure to be adopted.

“We think it’s a good idea to have a review of the embargo,” Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told AFP.

Russia has stepped up its presence in the Central African Republic, training troops, brokering peace talks with militias, and providing security and advice to President Faustin-Archange Touadera, sparking tensions with France, the former colonial power.

In August, Russia signed a military cooperation agreement with CAR offering the possibility for Central African officers and NCOs to be trained in Russian military schools.

The European Union also trains Central African military personnel. In July, the bloc extended EUTM-RCA until 2020, pledging €25 million ($29 million) to help reform the country’s defense sector. The scope of the mission was also modified to give strategic advice to the president’s cabinet, interior ministry and police, as well as the military.

The U.N. sanctions committee has previously approved shipments of weapons. In December, France handed over 1,400 AK-47 assault rifles and three amphibious vehicles to the Central African Republic to shore up its beleaguered armed forces, and in 2017, the embargo was lifted to allow delivery of 1,700 Russian weapons for FACa.

France, Belgium, China and the U.S. have all recently supplied equipment for CAR’s military, but that equipment is understood not to include weaponry.

In June, France, the U.S. and the United Kingdom put a hold on a request from Central African Republic for U.N. Security Council approval of weapons shipments from China.

Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, the outgoing U.N. special envoy to the CAR, said in September that the need for weapons was “undeniable” as the Central African Republic government builds its armed forces, but urged transparency in the flow of arms.

“China, but also the United States, have proposed new quantities of weapons,” Onanga-Anyanga said. “It’s for a good reason.”

Russia’s Ambassador to CAR Sergey Lebanov said earlier in September that a second shipment of Russian arms and ammunition was “in preparation,” and would be delivered once approved by the Security Council.

Averting genocide
The U.N. arms embargo was imposed in 2013 when the country descended into violence after President Francois Bozize, a Christian, was overthrown by mainly Muslim Seleka rebels.

At the height of the bloodshed in 2013, France warned that the country was on the verge of a genocide with reports of atrocities committed by roaming militias.

In 2017, a similar warning came from then-U.N. aid chief Stephen O’Brien.

The vote at the council comes as the latest round of peace talks between the government and armed militias stumbled in Khartoum over demands for an amnesty for rebels.

It is the the eighth bid in six years to agree a lasting peace. The last attempt, in 2017, was forged with the help of the Catholic Church, but fighting resumed within a day, leaving 100 dead.

The Sudan-hosted talks which opened last week are expected to continue for up to three weeks.

The draft resolution also renews the mandate of a panel of experts who reported to the council last month that fighters of the former Seleka alliance had received fresh weapons supplies from traffickers in Sudan.

The militia groups are re-arming to counter the deployment of the newly trained and equipped government troops to their areas of influence, the panel’s report said.

Despite reserves of diamonds, gold, uranium, copper and iron, Central African Republic remains one of the world’s poorest countries.

Fighting broke out between the Sel

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-01-31 10:02 | Report Abuse


Bangui, Jan. 31, 19

The President of the Republic, His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadera received in audience early in the afternoon of January 29, 2019, His Excellency Chen Dong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Penitentiary of the People's Republic of China near the Central African Republic.

The strengthening of bilateral cooperation between China and the Central African Republic was at the center of this meeting.
Returning from China, His Excellency Chen Dong is carrying a message from the Chinese Government to His Excellency Faustin Archange Touadera.
For the Chinese diplomat, this meeting with President Touadera made it possible to take stock of the various activities carried out in the Central African Republic in the framework of bilateral cooperation for the year 2018 as well as the projects on the agenda of the year 2019.

The Chinese diplomat Chen Dong also said that during the China-Africa summit in Beijing, President Touadera has sought multiform support of China. These supports, he says, concern the education, agriculture and security sector. This meeting with President Touadera was an opportunity to plan the implementation of these various projects during this year.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-03 15:29 | Report Abuse

Teranga Gold finally updated their website, along with some maps. This one shows all the AXM royalty claims and permits very well:

Keep in mind that every area in Sounkounku and Bransan Lot-B has a 1.5% NSR for AXM. If you look at the 2017 43-101, there has been around 80,000m total of drilling, along with bulk sampling and work done on all the targets, more so on the stuff close to Gora.

Targets 7,11,13,19,52 are all within 5km of Gora and with the infrastructure already there, makes sense to put them into production.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-05 09:56 | Report Abuse

Peace Deal Officially Signed By CAR Government & Rebel Groups

Central African Republic, rebel groups initial a peace deal
Central African Republic, 14 rebel groups initial a peace deal after 5 years of fighting
The Associated Press
CAIRO — 2h ago
Central African Republic's government has initialed a peace deal with 14 armed groups following more than a week of talks in Sudan's capital.

President Faustin Archange Touadera is attending Tuesday's ceremony in Khartoum along with his Sudanese counterpart, Omar al-Bashir, and a representative of the African Union.

The agreement represents rare hope for the impoverished, landlocked nation where religious and communal fighting has continued since 2013. Thousands of people have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced.

Details of the peace deal have not been announced, but Sudan's state media have reported that it focuses on power-sharing and transitional justice.

The United Nations has warned that the fighting in Central African Republic has carried a high risk of genocide. Scores of mosques have been burned. Religious leaders have been killed.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-05 15:10 | Report Abuse

Russia To Monitor Implementation Of Peace Deal In CAR - Ex-Seleka Leader

Russia To Monitor Implementation Of Peace Deal In CAR - Ex-Seleka Leader

Sumaira FH 5 hours ago Tue 05th February 2019 | 07:58 PM

Russia to Monitor Implementation of Peace Deal in CAR - Ex-Seleka Leader
Noureddine Adam, leader of a faction from the former Seleka - the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic (FPRC) - told Sputnik Tuesday that Russia would monitor the implementation of the peace deal between the Central African Republic's (CAR) authorities and armed groups
KHARTOUM (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 05th February, 2019) Noureddine Adam, leader of a faction from the former Seleka - the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic (FPRC) - told Sputnik Tuesday that Russia would monitor the implementation of the peace deal between the Central African Republic's (CAR) authorities and armed groups.

The CAR president and armed groups earlier in the day initialed the peace deal between government representatives and 14 armed groups at talks in Khartoum.

"Russia will monitor the implementation of the agreement and will support the agreement's guarantor states," Adam said.

He said the agreement included the formation of a united army and security forces.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-06 14:40 | Report Abuse

For those looking for reliable up to date information about the CAR government, projects, info, etc, have a look at It's in French, so you'll have to translate it via Chrome auto translate(or whatever browse you use) but there are tons and tons of projects going on that we don't even know about. Many of them are based around Chinese deals which bodes well for Axmin since we are majority Chinese owned. Below are some recent examples:





Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-08 19:28 | Report Abuse

Details from Central African Republic rebel deal released

BANGUI, Central African Republic (AP) — An agreement signed by Central African Republic and 14 rebel groups earlier this week will see the dissolution of armed groups, the formation of an inclusive government and the creation of a fund for victims who have suffered in years of conflict, according to the accord seen Friday.

The deal signed Wednesday is the eighth since the fighting began in 2013 but the first to emerge from direct dialogue. The 30-page peace pact, negotiated in Sudan and titled the Political Accord for Peace and Reconciliation, evokes four main points: victims, justice, peace and national reconciliation.

The agreement says that armed groups will undertake to respect the legitimacy of the country’s institutions, and to renounce the use of arms and violence against the defense and security forces, U.N. personnel and humanitarian workers.

They also agree to refrain from any act of destruction, occupation of public buildings, place of worship and violence against the civilian population, as well as acts of sexual or gender-based violence.

In exchange, armed groups are able to create political parties.

The government, meanwhile, will monitor the agreement and analyze the reintegration of the leaders of armed groups who formerly served as civil servants or military.

The government is also committed to set up a Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission within 90 days, cutting short the idea of amnesty long negotiated by armed group leaders.

The signatories also undertake to set up mixed security units that will include elements of the defense and security forces as well as ex-combatants after training.

This means that armed groups will dissolve their movement and help facilitate the return of the authority of the state and to participate in disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and repatriation within two months.

Armed groups currently control around 80 percent of Central African Republic, and President Faustin Archange Touadera, in power since 2016, has struggled to stabilize the country as armed groups compete over lands rich in gold, diamonds and uranium.

The major conflict in Central African Republic began in 2013 when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in Bangui. Largely Christian anti-Balaka militias fought back. Rebels continue to carry out deadly attacks on displaced people’s camps and other communities.

The African Union, which oversaw the negotiations that began on Jan. 24 in Khartoum, has expressed optimism about the agreement.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

The original 43-101 from 2011 was added back to Axmin's website this week, along with a post from their Facebook page which reads:

We have been asked to provide the original NI 43-101 study that was done so we provide the link here. Please note that this may change as when we get back on site, we will conduct a site survey and as per our January press release will most probably take a phased approach with a strategic partner to bring the CAR asset into rapid production, subject to and with the approval of the duly elected government of the CAR.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-11 10:19 | Report Abuse

Five new articles out today about the Central African Republic:

Central African Republic: Central African Ambassador - Peace Agreement Has Ended War -

Youtube Video(Feb.11) The people seeking peace after conflict in the Central African Republic -

Central African Republic seeks support from Bangladesh for military training -

African Union's Commissioner Says CAR Deal Unprecedented, Will Hopefully Promote Peace -

AU Commissioner Thanks Russia For Helping Get CAR Peace Deal Parties To Negotiating Table -

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-12 09:08 | Report Abuse

The Government of the Central African Republic (CAR) Announces a Peace Agreement with Armed Groups

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. -February 12, 2019) - AXMIN Inc.(TSXV: AXM) ("AXMIN" or the "Company") notes the following news release.

OnSaturday February 2, 2019 the Government of the CAR announced on social media that an agreement for peace had been made at the talks taking place in Khartoum. The Government stated that the agreement would be initialed on Sunday February 3, 2019 and thereafter it was signed in Bangui onFebruary 6th.

The agreement comes after discussions that were facilitated in Khartoum by the African Union and the Untied Nations with assistance from Russia. The key points of this agreement are:
An immediate cessation of violence by the armed groups against defense and security forces, UN personnel, humanitarian workers and the general population.
The armed groups will respect the legitimacy of the CAR's institutions and will disband.
The Government will analyse the reintegration of the leaders of the armed groups who previously served as civil servants or in the military.
The Government will set up a Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission within 90 days.
The parties to the agreement will undertake to set up mixed security units that will include both the defense and security forces as well as former members of the armed groups.
A Prime Minister will be appointed drawn from a representative of the former armed groups.
The former armed groups will have the right to start political parties without hindrance.
Ambassador Smail Chergui, the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security stated on social media:

… I am humbled to announce that with the exemplary cooperation I received from both the Government of the CAR(@GouvCF) and the 14 armed groups, we have secured a#peaceagreementtodayin the interest of the people of#CAR.

Separately onThursday January 31, 2019 the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously on a resolution drafted by France that provides for a road map to lift the arms embargo on the CAR. This resolution states that the Council will establish requisite benchmarks byApril 30, 2019 and will assess progress on these benchmarks byJuly 31, 2019. The Council will then review the arms embargo measures bySeptember 30,2019.

The resolution welcomes 'the significant efforts made by the CAR authorities' to advance security sector reform, including by developing a national defense plan and national security policy. This resolution acknowledged 'the urgent need for the CAR authorities to train and equip their defense and security forces to be able to respond proportionately to threats to the security of all citizens in the CAR.' The Council stated that it had granted several exemptions to allow shipments of weapons from France, Russia, China, the United States and Belgium for the CAR's army.

AXMIN's Chairman and CEO Lucy Yan stated:

AXMIN is delighted to hear that a peace agreement has been reached in Khartoum and hope that this agreement will be honored and bring security and stability to the CAR. The Company believes that the combination of the agreement together with the eventual lifting of the arms embargo should provide both the framework for stability and also the effective method of enforcement by equipping and deploying the military forces of the Government of the CAR. We look forward to being back on site and working on developing the Passendro asset as soon as conditions allow in the near future.

A further press release regarding the security situation in Ndassima, the location of the Company's Passendro asset, will be made when appropriate to do so.


AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on the African continent. AXMIN continues to closely monitor the political situation at its Passendro Gold Project in the Central African Republic. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website Please also follow us on Facebook.

For additional information, please contact AXMIN Inc.:

Lucy Yan
Chairman and CEO

General Enquiries
David de Jongh Weill
Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
+65 9781 8281

Investor Relations

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-12 09:09 | Report Abuse

The Government of the Central African Republic (CAR) Announces a Peace Agreement with Armed Groups

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. -February 12, 2019) - AXMIN Inc.(TSXV: AXM) ("AXMIN" or the "Company") notes the following news release.

OnSaturday February 2, 2019 the Government of the CAR announced on social media that an agreement for peace had been made at the talks taking place in Khartoum. The Government stated that the agreement would be initialed on Sunday February 3, 2019 and thereafter it was signed in Bangui onFebruary 6th.

The agreement comes after discussions that were facilitated in Khartoum by the African Union and the Untied Nations with assistance from Russia. The key points of this agreement are:
An immediate cessation of violence by the armed groups against defense and security forces, UN personnel, humanitarian workers and the general population.
The armed groups will respect the legitimacy of the CAR's institutions and will disband.
The Government will analyse the reintegration of the leaders of the armed groups who previously served as civil servants or in the military.
The Government will set up a Truth, Justice, Reparation and Reconciliation Commission within 90 days.
The parties to the agreement will undertake to set up mixed security units that will include both the defense and security forces as well as former members of the armed groups.
A Prime Minister will be appointed drawn from a representative of the former armed groups.
The former armed groups will have the right to start political parties without hindrance.
Ambassador Smail Chergui, the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security stated on social media:

… I am humbled to announce that with the exemplary cooperation I received from both the Government of the CAR(@GouvCF) and the 14 armed groups, we have secured a#peaceagreementtodayin the interest of the people of#CAR.

Separately onThursday January 31, 2019 the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously on a resolution drafted by France that provides for a road map to lift the arms embargo on the CAR. This resolution states that the Council will establish requisite benchmarks byApril 30, 2019 and will assess progress on these benchmarks byJuly 31, 2019. The Council will then review the arms embargo measures bySeptember 30,2019.

The resolution welcomes 'the significant efforts made by the CAR authorities' to advance security sector reform, including by developing a national defense plan and national security policy. This resolution acknowledged 'the urgent need for the CAR authorities to train and equip their defense and security forces to be able to respond proportionately to threats to the security of all citizens in the CAR.' The Council stated that it had granted several exemptions to allow shipments of weapons from France, Russia, China, the United States and Belgium for the CAR's army.

AXMIN's Chairman and CEO Lucy Yan stated:

AXMIN is delighted to hear that a peace agreement has been reached in Khartoum and hope that this agreement will be honored and bring security and stability to the CAR. The Company believes that the combination of the agreement together with the eventual lifting of the arms embargo should provide both the framework for stability and also the effective method of enforcement by equipping and deploying the military forces of the Government of the CAR. We look forward to being back on site and working on developing the Passendro asset as soon as conditions allow in the near future.

A further press release regarding the security situation in Ndassima, the location of the Company's Passendro asset, will be made when appropriate to do so.


AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on the African continent. AXMIN continues to closely monitor the political situation at its Passendro Gold Project in the Central African Republic. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website Please also follow us on Facebook.

For additional information, please contact AXMIN Inc.:

Lucy Yan
Chairman and CEO

General Enquiries
David de Jongh Weill
Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
+65 9781 8281

Investor Relations

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-18 14:16 | Report Abuse

The Port of Kribi becomes main wood export channel to CAR

(Business in Cameroon) - Timber export conditions at the port of Douala, Cameroon’s economic capital, have been improving since the beginning of the year, the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) noted.

However, despite this upturn which is the result of a slowdown in Chinese demand, ITTO said, some timber exporters now ship cargoes through the deep-water port of Kribi, commissioned in March 2018 in the southern region.

In a memo covering the period Feb.1-15, 2019, ITTO revealed that despite the improvement situation at the port of Douala, “exporters of sawn timber and logs to the Central African Republic shipped their cargoes through the port of Kribi”.

“It is logical that part of the traffic from the port of Douala should be redirected to the port of Kribi. This will allow to ease traffic,” Patrice Melom, MD of the autonomous port of Kribi (PAK), said at the end of a seminar held April 19-20, 2018 with players of the timber sector to discuss ways to carry out export activities within the Kribi port platform.

Wood exports at the Kibri port are carried out by Kribi Containers Terminal (KCT), a company controlled by the Franco-Chinese consortium Bolloré-CHEC-CMA CGM in partnership with the Chinese shipowner Cosco.

Brice R. Mbodiam

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-20 09:46 | Report Abuse

Good to see NAI finally putting out articles about AXM on QQ:

Translated to English:

This junior gold stock rose 60% in 2019!
From Wendy Zhang NAI500Yesterday

In the article on why pennies should be included in your portfolio , we have mentioned that junior mining companies are a very important category, although most of the junior mining companies’ stocks are in a state of low trading and price all the year round, but grasp At several specific points in time, investing in junior mining companies can still quickly achieve ultra-high returns, which is unmatched by other types of stocks.

In the current trend of resource market, many companies are expected to rise, especially as gold prices are optimistic, gold mining stocks are worth looking forward to.

Recently, Toronto-based gold primary exploration company AXMIN (TSXV: AXM ) stocks are amazing (with photos), doubling the gains in four trading days, bringing investors a gratifying return.

Stock price trend (January 22, 2019 - February 19, 2019)

AXMIN is principally engaged in the exploration and development of gold projects located in Africa. In fact, in the past 2018, the company's share price has been launched from the bottom, and the stock price has nearly doubled in the whole year. That is to say, if an investor holds AXMIN stock in early 2018, its assets have been turned over. Ten times, this is an impossible income for ordinary stock investment.

Moreover, all of this happened when the company's news was relatively calm, indicating that the source of the increase was not the company's public relations hype, but the changes in the relevant environment and the improvement of the company's own cash flow.

In the interview, David Weill, the company's chief financial officer, mentioned three main factors driving the stock price increase: First, benefit from the flow of royalties generated by the company's Gora deposit jointly developed by Teranga Gold (TSX:TGZ) in Senegal, the company's The cash flow is excellent and the profit of the accounting accounts is realized. The company also has 17 potential deposits developed with Teranga that are expected to generate more revenue for the company.

The second factor is that the geopolitical situation in the Central African Republic is improving. AXMIN's main asset is the Passendro Gold Project, located in the Central African Republic, where AXMIN acquired a 25-year mining permit area (355 square kilometers) in August 2010. At the same time, the company also obtained two three-year, renewable exploration licenses: Bambari 1 and 2 (1,240 square kilometers), which surround the mining permit area and cover a 90-kilometer trend along the vast expanse of the Bambari Greenstone Belt. With ..... [unfinished]

For the wonderful original content, please click "Read the original"

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-22 09:44 | Report Abuse

Axmin Receives $300K Royalty Payment From Teranga Gold

TGZ numbers are out. I estimated they would be getting around $300k for the quarter. Teranga still owes around $600-700K in payments which will likely paid over the next two quarters. Given Axmin's strict costs, the company should earn around $140-150K USD net profit for Q4 2018 and over $1 million USD for 2019. Again we are waiting for CAR to get going, but Senegal is a nice added bonus in the meantime. Plus we could be working on new targets right now given that Gora mining is completed and there are advanced stage targets within 1-3km's.

TGZ Year End - Feb 2019
AXM Year End - Apr 2019 (Books will be cleaned as per October 2018)

TGZ Q1 2019 - Apr 2019
AXM Q1 2019 - May 2019

TGZ Q2 2019 - Jul 2019
AXM Q2 2019 - Aug 2019

Another note, for any new possible targets on the 337km2 lease, Axmin still owns a 20% interest. However the 17 targets currently identified, the company has a 1.5% NSR.

From page 36 of TGZ year end results:

The joint venture partner of the exploration permit has elected a 1.5 percent net smelter royalty on all currently identified targets within the original Sounkounkou permit and including the Gora project in exchange for its fully participatory 20 percent interest. The joint venture partner retains a 20 percent participatory right for any new exploration targets identified or to elect the royalty.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-22 10:29 | Report Abuse

TGZ numbers are out. I estimated they would be getting around $300k for the quarter. Teranga still owes around $600-700K in payments which will likely paid over the next two quarters. Given Axmin's strict costs, the company should earn around $140-150K USD net profit for Q4 2018 and over $1 million USD for 2019. Again we are waiting for CAR to get going, but Senegal is a nice added bonus in the meantime. Plus we could be working on new targets right now given that Gora mining is completed and there are advanced stage targets within 1-3km's.

TGZ Year End - Feb 2019
AXM Year End - Apr 2019 (Books will be cleaned as per October 2018)

TGZ Q1 2019 - Apr 2019
AXM Q1 2019 - May 2019

TGZ Q2 2019 - Jul 2019
AXM Q2 2019 - Aug 2019

Another note, for any new possible targets on the 337km2 lease, Axmin still owns a 20% interest. However the 17 targets currently identified, the company has a 1.5% NSR.

From page 36 of TGZ year end results:

The joint venture partner of the exploration permit has elected a 1.5 percent net smelter royalty on all currently identified targets within the original Sounkounkou permit and including the Gora project in exchange for its fully participatory 20 percent interest. The joint venture partner retains a 20 percent participatory right for any new exploration targets identified or to elect the royalty.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-24 20:09 | Report Abuse

CAR Gov't, Armed Groups Commit To Ending Recruitment In Armed Formations Under Peace Deal

KHARTOUM (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 24th February, 2019) The government of the Central African Republic (CAR) and armed formations, which have recently signed a peace deal to end the armed conflict in the country, have pledged to refrain from recruiting people, in particular minors and foreigners, into armed formations, according to the text of the agreement seen by Sputnik on Sunday.

"The parties reaffirm their commitments to ... immediately put an end to all forms of recruitment, including that of children and foreigners, into armed groups," the text said.

The parties also agreed to give up illegal exploitation of natural resources and illicit traffic of arms and munitions, and committed to not hindering the free circulation of people and goods and the deliveries of humanitarian aid.

The long-sought peace accord was signed in the CAR capital of Bangui in early February.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-25 19:49 | Report Abuse

Axmin Inc Has Been Added To CAR Government Mining Site]]

Translated from French to English:


Axmin Inc. is a Canadian company operating in the gold sector in the Central African Republic for an industrial mine.

Gold exploration and exploitation object

• Legal basis
Convention signed on 27/01/2006 with the Central African State for a period of 25 years.
License to mine the Passendro Gold Mine: Somio Toungou (357km²) awarded by Decree No. 10.231 of August 05, 2010.
Research Permit: Bambari 1 & 2 (913km²) awarded by Decree No. 10.233 of August 07, 2010, of which objective is to increase the resources and extend the duration of mine operation.

• Location: Prefecture of OUAKA (Bambari)

• Work done
Somio Toungou - Feasibility studies completed but need for a re-evaluation of the resources at the restart of the project.
Aurafrique: geophysics, drilling research (DD, RC, etc.)

• Current situation
After a suspension of activities since the year 2012 for reasons of "Force Majeure" Axmin Inc. - RCA has brought together all administrative conditions for the resumption of its activities.
She is currently waiting for deployment.

• Outlook
Construction of infrastructure for an industrial gold mine.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-02-27 12:00 | Report Abuse

Central African Republic : the appointment of the new prime minister hailed by the main representatives of rebel groups

2019-02-27 Central African Republic, POLITICS

NEWSROOM (ADV) – In accordance with the commitments made on February 6 by the Central African authorities and the main rebel groups, President Faustin Archange Touadéra on Monday (February 25th) appointed a new Prime Minister, Firmin Ngrebada. The task of the new head of government is delicate. He needs to form an inclusive government without delay.

The Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Renaissance of the Central African Republic (FPRC) and the National Coordination of the Anti-Balaka Patriot Movement, in a joint statement obtained by ADV, welcomed the appointment of Mr. Firming Ngrenada and at the same time renewed their commitment to peace under the leadership of the President of the Republic, Mr. Faustin Archange Touadera.

The signatories of this declaration, Noureidine Adam and Maxime Mokom, on behalf of their movements, thank the President for this move which goes hand in hand with the commitments of the concluded Khartoum agreement.

The FPRC and the Anti-Balaka wish to see the new Prime Minister continue in this positive dynamic.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-02 11:41 | Report Abuse

Russian Instructors Trained Over 2,000 Troops, Law Enforcement Officers In CAR -

Support for the peace agreement in the Central African Republic: the World Bank could unlock $100 million -

The Cameroonian group of transport "Tourist Express" is setting up soon in Central African Republic -

CAR Participation in MINING INDABA 2019 FORUM -

- Additional info on mining forum:

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-03 14:00 | Report Abuse

New, inclusive gov't formed in C.A.R

A new and inclusive government has been formed in the Central African Republic.

The new regime was announced on Sunday with no changes to holders of some ministries, a month after a peace deal was signed between authorities and armed groups.

The Defense, Finance, Justice, Foreign Affairs, Communication, Interior and the Economic Ministries remained unchanged.

Maxime Mokom, leader of the armed anti-balaka group has become Minister for Disarmament, De-mobilization, Re-integration and Repatriation. Souleymane Daouda, Spokesperson for the armed group, Unity for Peace in the Central African Republic is now Minister for Livestock.

Hamza Guismala, right-hand man of Noureddine Adam, leader of the armed group, Popular Front for the Renaissance of the country, is now in charge of the Development of Energy and Hydraulic Resources Ministry.

The Patriotic Movement for the Central African Republic has one of its important members, Adama Chaibou, as Minister for Modernization.

Bertin Béa, Secretary General of Kwa Na Kwa, party of former president François Bozizé, exiled in Uganda, has been appointed Minister for Public Service.

On February 6, an agreement was reached after weeks of negotiations in Khartoum, Sudan. The formation of this new government comes after the appointment of Firmin Ngrebada as Prime Minister.

The Central African Republic is struggling to recover from the conflict it has been entangled since 2013.

So far eight agreements have been signed by warring parties to try to bring the country out of the chaos.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-04 12:05 | Report Abuse

UNODC opens project office in Bangui, Central African Republic

Bangui, Central African Republic, 4 March 2018 - Following the "Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic" finalized in Khartoum and signed on 6 February by the Government of the Central African Republic and 14 armed groups, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) officially announced the opening of a project office in Bangui.

The announcement was made by the UNODC Regional Representative for West and Central Africa, Pierre Lapaque, during a visit to the Central African Republic from 19 to 22 February. He said that "urgent action is needed to maintain the momentum created by the recently concluded peace agreement" because "we cannot build a State and a nation without effective, transparent and accessible justice for all."

The UNODC office in Bangui opened in June 2018 following the signing of an agreement with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). This partnership between UNODC and MINUSCA aims to support the operationalization of the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in the Central African Republic.

The SCC was established by law in 2015 as a national court to judge cases of serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed in the Central African Republic territory since 1 January 2003. In this context, UNODC's mandate is more specifically to assist the SCC in the development of its legal aid and victim and witness protection services.

UNODC provided input to the development of legal and regulatory instruments on both victim and witness protection as well as legal aid that have been successfully adopted. These include the Loi portant Règlement de Procédure et de Preuves (May 2018), the SCC Règlement interieur (October 2018), and the Arrete portant organisation et fonctionnement de l'Organe paritaire chargé de l'admission des candidats au Corps special d'avocats près la Cour penale spéciale (December 2018).

During his visit to the Central African Republic, the UNODC Regional Representative also met with national authorities interested in UNODC'S mandate, including the Prime Minister, and ministers of the Interior, Justice, Mines and Water and Forestry. These exchanges show a strong political will to collaborate with UNODC to combat serious crimes such as corruption, trafficking in natural resources, firearms, money-laundering, among others, that hinder peace, stability and development in the country.

The opening of the project office in the Central African Republic and UNODC's various activities in the country contribute to the development of a Regional Strategy that UNODC aims to implement in Central Africa to better respond to the interconnected challenges posed by transnational organized crime on the African continent.

It also contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 16 on promoting peace, justice and transparent and effective institutions.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-06 12:44 | Report Abuse

Pope and CAR President satisfied for Framework Agreement between their states

ope Francis on Tuesday afternoon received in private audience, the president of the Central African Republic, Mr. Faustin Archange Touadéra.
By Godfrey Kampamba

During their encounter, the Holy Father and Mr. Touadera focused their discussion on the existing good bilateral relations between the Holy See and the Central African Republic. Apart from looking at issues regarding the current situation in the country, the two leaders also expressed their satisfaction about the ratification of the Framework Agreement between the two states, underscoring the importance of the contribution of the Catholic Church in the construction of the Central African Republic, and acknowledged the role of Catholic institutions in the fields of education and healthcare.

The meeting between the pope and Mr. Touadera came just two days after the inauguration of the Bangui Pediatric Hospital, constructed with the sponsorship of Pope Francis, for which president Touadera expressed his and the gratitude of the people of his country.

Ratification of Framework Agreement between Holy See and CAR
Soon after his meeting with the pope, Mr. Touadera went on to meet with the secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who was accompanied by the Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Gallagher. During this occasion, the secretary of State gave President Touadera the Instrument of the Ratification of the Framework Agreement between the Holy See and the Central African Republic. The Framework Agreement was signed on 6 September 2016 in Bangui and concerns matters of mutual interest. A communique from the Vatican later on Tuesday announced the entry into force of the Framework agreement.

Meeting with St. Egidio Community
From the Vatican, the central African Republican president visited the Sant’Egidio Community in Rome, where he was received by the founder, Prof. Andrea Riccardi, and other leaders of the Community.I have come here because this is a house of peace that has come to mean a lot for my country, said president Touadera, underlining the strong links of friendship that have united the Central African Republic and the Sant'Egidio Community, even in the darkest hours of the country.

Touadera also expressed his gratitude for the work of the Sant’Egidio Community in the cure of HIV and AIDS through a programme known as DREAM, and through which a centre has been opened to take care of the sick.

06 March 2019, 13:21

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-06 18:03 | Report Abuse

Chinese Mining Companies Are Already Working In The Central African Republic


(Translated From French To English)

Mon 25/02/2019 - 12:00

The Minister of Mines and Geology met the actors of the mining sector of Bozoum at the hotel of the said city. This meeting brought together the Minister, the members of the cabinet of the Ministry of Mines and Geology, the Honorable Members of the constituencies of Bozoum 1 and 2, the representative of the Chinese Society operating in the area and the artisanal miners.

This meeting gave the opportunity to the President of the Cooperative Minière de Bozoum to present in a brief way the difficulties of the mining artisans, his intervention was completed by his peers and followed by that of the deputies of Bozoum who presented the needs that they experience in the sector and their wish for a better collaboration.

Without passion, all the concerns raised were debated, the minister having brought in his staff, each in his field, to answer the questions that concern him. The Minister concluded the interventions by informing the co-operatives that all their concerns have been taken into account in a set of specifications that the Ministry has signed with the Corporation. Insisting on compliance with the terms of reference by the company, he announced the establishment in the near future of a tripartite monitoring committee (Ministry of Mines, Chinese society and representative of the population). A family photo has closed meeting to the satisfaction of all.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-07 09:17 | Report Abuse

United States Announces Additional Support to the FACA

BANGUI – The United States Embassy in Bangui announces the launch of an additional $3.5 million in security assistance training programs for the Central African Armed Forces (FACA). These funds for the Central African Republic (CAR) represent the next phase in the United States’ $12 million in funding to reform and redeploy the FACA.

“This tranche of equipment and training continues our investment in CAR’s security, and demonstrates our commitment to helping build a peaceful and prosperous Central African Republic. This will combine with the efforts of the government of and people of CAR to move forward on a path to peace and prosperity. This comes at a particularly important time as we are all working together to ensure effective implementation of the recently signed Khartoum accords,” Ambassador Lucy Tamlyn commented regarding the news.

The funding will provide comprehensive logistics, operations, and management training to the FACA to help maintain and grow Camp Kassai. It will also train FACA in valuable trade skills, including electrical repair, masonry, welding, plumbing, carpentry, and general mechanics. These skills will enable the FACA to maintain their own facilities, and repair their own equipment.

The UN Security Council Sanctions committee is aware of all U.S. training and equipment in full accordance with the arms embargo. The United States remains committed to abiding by the internationally approved sanctions process.

Since 2015, the United States has provided over $500 million to CAR, including $100 million in humanitarian assistance in 2018-2019 and $65 million in support to the justice, internal security, and military sectors.

The US Embassy in Bangui looks forward to continued close work with our partners in the CAR Government, in particular the Ministry of Defense, to build and strengthen a professional military force capable of responding to CAR’s security challenges.

By U.S. Embassy in Bangui | 5 March, 2019 | Topics: News, Press Releases

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-14 11:57 | Report Abuse

Refugee's Return To Ndassima (Where AXM Has It's Gold Deposit) - Area Secured & Rebels Removed?

Central African Republic: Return of displaced people observed in several cities after Khartoum peace agreement

Bangui, Central African Republic, (ADV) - Several IDPs and refugees have been returning to their respective areas since February, following the lull after the peace agreement signed between the government and the country's armed groups.

Just one month after the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the 14 armed groups in the country, the security situation is gradually improving in the interior, favoring the return of displaced persons and refugees to their respective areas. . This return was recorded by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Central Africa (OCHA).

In the north of Paoua, more than 23,000 spontaneous returnees and 26,700 returnees were identified from 21 February to 7 March 2019, ie 4,351 households of 23,394 spontaneous returnees and 4,846 households of 26,713 returned to their respective villages. "This return is helped by the lull in the security situation. Humanitarian actors are mobilized for assistance to returnees and returnees, "reports OCHA's humanitarian bulletin.

These data are confirmed after the organization of 4 missions to monitor population movements in several villages in northern Paoua by UNHCR and humanitarian partners.

A little in the center of the country in Ndassima about 60 km north of the Bambari, 13,450 people returned to the Ndassima-Bambari axis, including 310 people in Ndassima 1,250 people in Ndassima 2, and 7,000 people or 430 households in Krandja and Djoubissi.

On the Bria IDP site, at least 2,060 people have returned to the 50,897 sites at 5 sites, a 3.88% reduction compared to February 2019 compared to December 2018. This return is also due to the lull observed in recent weeks in the region, according to humanitarian actors.

In the western zone, notably in Boukolo, 45 km from Berberati on the Gamboula road, the population welcomes daily the return of Fulani refugees to Cameroon. The presence of a hundred breeders in these regions testifies to the cohabitation between the communities.

These returns are also observed in Bakouma and Alindao, two cities that were affected by the violence towards the end of 2018. The return allowed the reopening of 70% of the schools. Of the 46 schools, 32 are operational and 30% or 9 schools are currently occupied by armed groups.

Although aid workers have observed the return to several cities, the management of transhumance remains a source of tension in Bocaranga and Ngaoundaye in the north of the country. At least 896 hectares of fields have been devastated by livestock in these areas. "1,200 households lost their fields because of transhumance, given that 73% of these households have only their fields as their source of income, while 27% of these households have spontaneous returns," commented one humanitarian actor.

The lull observed in recent weeks after the signing of the peace agreement between the government and the armed groups remains fragile, given the challenge of the new government following the Khartoum dialogue by some armed groups who demand more space in this inclusive government.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-16 11:25 | Report Abuse

Monday Talks On CAR Peace Process To Tackle Formation Of Gov't, Security - AU Commissioner

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 16th March, 2019) The upcoming consultation meeting on the peace process in the Central African Republic (CAR) will address outstanding concerns about government formation and security arrangements, Smail Chergui, the African Union (AU)'s peace and security commissioner, told Sputnik on Saturday.

The AU-organized meeting will be held in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa on Monday. It is expected to follow up on the progress that has been made since the car government and 14 armed groups signed a peace agreement in early February.

"As you know, some movements raised the issue of the formation of the government ... This meeting really is to get stock, one month after we sign the agreement, of where we are and also address these issues and also take additional measures in implementing other articles, mainly those relating to the security arrangements in terms of deploying the security unit on the ground, and so on," Chergui said.

The commissioner added that the implementation of this agreement on CAR peace settlement appeared to be more successful than of the previous agreements.

"I think it's more or less ... positive way that we are dealing with the matter this time compared to the former agreements," Chergui said.

He added that the meeting would last for as long as necessary.

"Whatever is needed. We are starting on Monday, March 18, and [the meeting will] certainly [continue on] Tuesday, March 19, and hopefully we can address all the matters," Chergui said.

The Central African Republic has been suffering from a drawn-out conflict since a coup in 2013. Much of the fighting in recent years has been between Muslim-majority Seleka and Christian Anti-Balaka militias.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-17 13:27 | Report Abuse

Bogdanov Discusses Moscow's Assistance In CAR's Development In Bangui - Foreign Ministry

Faizan Hashmi 3 hours ago Sun 17th March 2019 | 05:20 PM

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 17th March, 2019) Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has visited the Central African Republic (CAR) to discuss bilateral cooperation and Russia's assistance in boosting the republic's security and development with the country's leadership, the Foreign Ministry said on Sunday.

During his visit to CAR's capital of Bangui on Saturday, Bogdanov held meetings with President Faustin-Archange Touadera and the country's top diplomat, Samuel Rangba.

"A substantial discussion of topical issues related to the Russian-Central African relations and the prospects of further expansion of mutually beneficial cooperation, including Bangui's interest in Russia's assistance in CAR's socioeconomic development, the training of national personnel, enhancement of security and stability in this friendly African country, has taken place," the ministry said in a statement, published on its official website.

The Russian deputy foreign minister also reiterated Moscow's readiness to help promote the implementation of the 2018 Khartoum Declaration on the establishment of peace and security in the Central African Republic and the peace deal that was signed between the car government and armed formations in early February to end the armed conflict in the country.

In recent years, CAR has been struggling with the conflict between the Muslim-majority armed group Seleka and primarily Christian Anti-balaka militia. In August 2018, the armed groups signed a declaration of understanding as a result of Russia-brokered talks in the Sudanese capital, which was followed by a peace deal between the government and over a dozen armed formations, inked on February 6.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-20 17:49 | Report Abuse


The government of the Central African Republic and armed groups that had joined it in a peace deal have reached an agreement to form an "inclusive government," the African Union said Wednesday.

"The Central African authorities and the 14 armed groups (that) signed the peace accord negotiated in early February in Khartoum agreed to an 'inclusive government' in Addis Ababa," the AU said.

The deal is the eighth attempt to bring peace to the conflict-wracked, impoverished state since 2012.

Signed in the CAR capital Bangui on February 6 after negotiations in Sudan, it brings together the CAR government and 14 armed groups who control most of the country.

The agreement called for a series of confidence-building measures, such as establishing joint patrols and the creation of a truth and justice commission within 90 days.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-23 13:15 | Report Abuse

New CAR Cabinet & UPC Congratulate Government

Note: UPC are the main rebel group around Ndassima/Bambari where Axmin operates

Central African Republic opens cabinet to more armed groups to bolster peace

Crispin Dembassa-Kette


BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic has included more rebel officials in an expanded cabinet, the president announced on Friday, in a bid to shore up peace efforts after several armed groups said they were not sufficiently represented following a deal last month.

Central African Republic reached an agreement with 14 armed groups in February, aimed at bringing stability to a country rocked by violence since 2013 when mainly Muslim Selaka rebels ousted the then President Francois Bozize, prompting reprisals from mostly Christian militia.

The diamond and gold-producing country has been ravaged by years of conflict that had shown little sign of abating until now.

President Faustin-Archange Touadera announced on Friday a new cabinet list of 39 members, in which all 14 armed groups were represented. Only 10 groups were represented in the previously announced list, which had 34 members.

The peace deal, signed in Sudan’s capital Khartoum, faced its first major setback a month after it was ratified, when several armed groups withdrew representatives from the new cabinet and demanded a more inclusive reshuffle.

The president’s announcement came two days after reconciliation talks arranged by the African Union in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa.

The 14 rebel groups had said last week that they had not been sufficiently consulted over the original cabinet list.

In the new line-up, the major Selaka groups FPRC and UPC have three and two representatives, respectively.

“The UPC congratulates itself and congratulates Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada for forming a government that now respects the Khartoum accord. We call on all ministers to get to work without delay to bring peace back to this country,” UPC political coordinator Hassan Bouba told Reuters via telephone.

Christian anti-balaka militia did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Thousands of people have died because of the unrest and a fifth of the country’s 4.5 million population have fled their homes. The United Nations deployed a peacekeeping mission in 2014.

But prospects for a lasting peace remain uncertain, as agreements in 2014, 2015 and 2017 all broke down.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-25 16:56 | Report Abuse

Three rebel chiefs named 'advisers' to Central African government


PUBLISHED: 14:32 EDT, 25 March 2019 | UPDATED: 14:32 EDT, 25 March 2019

Three top rebel chiefs have been named "special military advisers" to the Central African Republic government, the presidency said Monday as the volatile country sought to honour a February peace deal.

The three will be charged with setting up special joint units under the peace accord reached in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, the eighth since mainly Muslim rebels overthrew president Francois Bozize, a Christian, in 2013.

The accord, signed in Bangui on February 6, brought together President Faustin-Archange Touadera and the leaders of 14 armed groups who control some 80 percent of the country's territory.

The three rebel chiefs were named as Ali Darassa, head of Unity for Peace in Central Africa (UPC), Mahamat Alkatim, head of the Patriotic Movement for Central Africa (MPC), and Bi Sidi Souleymane, head of the 3R group (Return, Reclamation, Reconciliation).

They will help assure security alongside the national army.

Other rebel officials were also given roles including Adama Chaibou of the MPC, tasked with relations with the Arab world.

The announcement in early March of a new government in Bangui after the Khartoum accord sparked a wave of protest by armed groups demanding more ministerial positions.

The African Union set up a follow-up meeting to shore up the peace deal that resulted in a new agreement to form an inclusive government.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-27 14:33 | Report Abuse

Farmers, herders find common ground in Central African Republic

BAMBARI (Central African Republic), March 27 — At the market in Awatche in the middle of the Central African Republic, fresh sides of beef hang in the sun, tempting village folk after a rare agreement in an age-old dispute.

“Since November 2018, the Fulani have come back to us here,” says Felicien Katiako, chief of the nearby village of Govobanda.

The cattle breeders, who maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle, had fled their village homes in the region in 2014 for fear of attack by farming communities as violence swept across the country.

While the mistrust that divides settled farmers from migrating folk is a potential source of bloodshed in much of Africa, people of the Awatche region have forged peace.

“We eat beef each week with the Fulani and they can have some cassava,” said Gervais Koyobogui, a chief of the villages along the road linking Bambari, the main town of the region, with Kouango.

Clashes between rival communities remain frequent in the CAR, frequently triggered by cattle rustling or the trampling of crops in the fields.

In Awatche, one steer is worth 500,000 francs (about RM3,506), a fortune for poor country people in one of the world’s least developed nations.

Armed groups are greedy for livestock when cattle represent such a substantial financial gain.

‘Bloody reprisals’

Killings arising from the seasonal migration of herds spiked after a 2013 coup by a mainly Muslim rebel alliance, the Seleka.

The group’s forces from the north were driven out of the southern capital Bangui in about 10 months, but by then the “anti-Balaka (machete)” fighters had emerged to fight the Seleka in various parts of the CAR.

Some of the Fulani took up arms to carry out brutal reprisals over cattle-rustling and “taxes” imposed by the anti-Balaka and by armed groups that formed when the Seleka was officially dissolved.

“The presence of young (Fulani) in ex-Seleka ranks... led to confusion and provoked a cycle of bloody reprisals,” researchers Florent Ankogui-Mpoko and Thierry Vircoulon wrote in a March 2018 report on livestock migration in the country.

The village of Awatche was attacked three times in 2014 and 2015 by rebel forces who originated with the Seleka.

For fear of reprisals by the ethnic Banda farmers, Fulani families from the villages took refuge on territory controlled by ex-Seleka forces, but they did not find the security they hoped for.

“I came back to Awatche three months ago, because out there we suffered too much. I lost a lot of my family and cattle as well,” Mohammad told AFP.

With watchful eyes framed by his turban, he said he lost 280 animals, either stolen or taken by armed groups claiming their tax.

“Every month the Seleka took two or three head of cattle from me,” said Joden, another herder who came back to the village four months ago.

Men like them are returning gradually, encouraged by family initiatives and mediation sessions organised by the authorities.

Mediation, compensation

“We protect the village against thieves, the anti-Balaka and the UPC (Union for Peace in the Central African Republic),” said Simplice, a lanky member of Awatche’s self-defence group.

The village has sorted out a way to settle disputes arising from the destruction of fields by cattle.

“We bring the two sides together in the field, we make a survey, and now we go to the chief to find out how much compensation should be paid,” said mediator Philippe.

The conflict “made the village so very weak,” he said, adding: “It’s only with peace that development will come.”

Problems caused by migratory grazing and cattle thefts remain the norm in most of the rest of the CAR, where the peaceable balance struck in these villages has not taken hold.

In January, more than 13 people were killed at Zaoro Sangou in the west by Fulanis seeking revenge for the murder of stock-breeders a few days earlier.

The bloodshed provoked further reprisals against Muslims in nearby Carnot, who were assaulted, had their shops pillaged and saw a mosque razed to the ground. — AFP

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-31 19:27 | Report Abuse

A Conversation with Central African Republic President Touadéra

A Conversation with Central African Republic President Touadéra

Prospects for Peace in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR) has recently taken a significant step toward peace after years of violence and instability. In February, negotiations convened under the auspices of the African Union led to a peace agreement between the CAR government and leaders of armed groups. Now President Faustin-Archange Touadéra must lead the implementation of the agreement to resolve the many complex issues that have driven violence in the country. Join the U.S. Institute of Peace on April 9 to hear President Touadéra discuss his priorities and vision for building peace in CAR.

Since gaining independence from France in 1960, CAR has experienced chronic instability and outbreaks of violent conflict. The most recent crisis began in late 2012 when a coalition of armed groups banded together to seize control of the country, ushering in an unprecedented level of violence that culminated in a bloody coup d'état. While a transitional government was able to hold the country’s first peaceful, democratic election in 2016, ongoing violence and instability threaten to erode this progress. In 2018, intensifying clashes and deepening divisions led to a record 1.1 million people displaced by the conflict and made CAR one of the deadliest countries in the world for aid workers.

The CAR government, in partnership with the international community, is working to address the longstanding grievances driving the conflict and the profound insecurity affecting many of the country’s citizens. Early this year, the African Union led peace negotiations between the government and armed groups in Khartoum, Sudan, the eighth attempt at a peace deal. With support from a wide range of stakeholders, the dialogue produced a new peace deal outlining steps to reduce conflict and build peace.

Take part in the conversation on Twitter with #TouaderaUSIP.


His Excellency Faustin-Archange Touadéra

President, Central African Republic

Nancy Lindborg, moderator

President, U.S. Institute of Peace

Ambassador Lucy Tamlyn, opening remarks

U.S. Ambassador, Central African Republic

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-03-31 21:25 | Report Abuse

AXM Technical Analysis - Bullish Buy Signal

Symbol Last Trade Date Change Open High Low Volume
AXM.C 0.49 Mar-29-2019 0.01 0.5 0.51 0.475 117,208
Note: Canadian symbols now end in .c i.e SYMB.C

Analysis Overall Short Intermediate Long
Bullish (0.36) Neutral (0.12) Very Bullish (0.50) Bullish (0.46)
Type Value Conf.
resist. 0.64 2
resist. 0.54 4
supp 0.48 11
supp 0.40 3
supp 0.34 2
supp 0.27 32
supp 0.24 2
supp 0.22 8
supp 0.16 4
Chart Indicators
Ind. short Inter Long
Fibs Be VBu VBu
Highs Be N Be
Lows VBu N N
Trends N N N
Stoch. Bu
VBu=Very Bullish, Bu=Bullish
Be=Bearish, VBe=Very Bearish
Printer friendly charts
Date=Mar-29-2019 Open=0.5 High=0.51 Low=0.475 Close=0.49 Volume=117208

Recent CandleStick Analysis
Date Candle
Mar-28-2019 Inverted Hammer
Mar-27-2019 Bearish Harami
Mar-26-2019 Homing Pigeon
Open Gaps
Direction Date range
up Feb-25-2019 0.4 to 0.48
up Feb-13-2019 0.255 to 0.26
down Mar-28-2019 0.49 to 0.48


Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-03 10:00 | Report Abuse

CAR President Promotes Diamond Leases & New Bangui Electric Project Funded By A Chinese Company

Although these articles are not pertaining to AXM, they are both very positive and show that the country is open for business. Getting support from Chinese companies reflects good on other ones in CAR like Axmin which are majority owned and controlled by Chinese investors/directors.

March 21st 2019 - China Electric Project In Bangui -

April 2nd 2019 - CAR Invites DeBeers & Alrosa To Mine Diamonds -

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-09 13:34 | Report Abuse

Security Council Announces Benchmarks to Guide Decision on Potential Lifting of Arms Embargo against Central African Republic

9 APRIL 2019

Presidential Statement Expresses Readiness to Review Ban, Sets Terms for Removal
The Security Council expressed today its readiness to review the arms embargo it imposed on the Central African Republic, announcing a set of benchmarks to guide its decision as to whether it will suspend or progressively lift that restriction later this year.

Issuing presidential statement S/PRST/2019/3, Christoph Heusgen (Germany), President for April, recalled the Council’s intention to establish, by 30 April, “clear and well‑identified key benchmarks” to measure progress in reforming the security sector, on advancing the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and rehabilitation process, and on managing weapons and ammunition.

More specifically, the benchmarks would require the Government of the Central African Republic to implement the National Programme for Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Repatriation, in particular the socioeconomic reintegration of former members of armed groups and the integration of vetted former members into all uniformed services; and to draft a planning document detailing its needs in terms of weapons and facilities for the storage of ammunition.

Other benchmarks would require the Government to finalize a protocol on the registration and management of armaments intended for the national defence and security forces, covering small arms, light weapons and ammunition; to operationalize a national commission to combat the proliferation of small arms and light weapons; and to establish a protocol on the collection and destruction — or transfer to the armed forces and internal security forces — of unregistered or illicitly held weapons and ammunition seized by the authorities.

The presidential statement reiterated the Council’s request that the Secretary-General conduct an assessment, no later than 31 July, of progress made on the benchmarks, in close consultation with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), United Nations Mine Action Service and the Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic. The Council further recalled its intention to review, by 30 September, the arms embargo in light of that assessment.

It also reiterated the Council’s request that the Central African Republic authorities report to the Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013), by 30 June, on progress relating to security sector reform; on the disarmament, demobilization, reintegration and rehabilitation process; and on the management of weapons and ammunition. Meanwhile, the Council acknowledged the urgent need of the Central African Republic authorities to train and equip their national defence and security forces.

The Council welcomed the consensus reached by the signatories to the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation, signed in Bangui on 6 February between the Government of the Central African Republic and 14 non-State armed groups. It welcomed also the engagement of the African Union, Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the United Nations. Urging stakeholders to implement the peace agreement “in good faith and without delay”, the Council called upon neighbouring countries, regional organizations and all international partners to support its implementation and coordinate their actions with the aim of bringing lasting peace and stability to the country.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-10 08:22 | Report Abuse

Axmin appoints Jiang as CEO of Somio, Aurafrique

2019-04-10 05:55 MT - News Release

Ms. Lucy Yan reports


Axmin Inc. has appointed Lifei Jiang as chief executive officer of Somio Toungou SA and chief executive officer of Aurafrique SARL in Central African Republic and Jean Qian as board secretary and chief executive officer assistant of Axmin.

Mr. Lifei Jiang benefits form over fifteen years of senior operational experience in Africa in the investment, construction and mining industries. He has served as project manager, vice general manager and general manager for the Chinese states owned enterprises China Geo-Engineering Corporation (CGC) and CGCOC Group Company Limited in several African countries where he was directly responsible for project management, bidding, financial controls, team building, and market development.

Mr. Jiang is extremely familiar with local traditions and cultures, different applicable mining laws and effective operational procedures for delivering mining operations in Africa. For AXMIN, Mr. Jiang will be managing the in-country operations of the Company.

Mr. Qian benefits from experience in senior administration of Chinese companies working with international counterparties to manage projects within and outside of China. He has been responsible for coordination and international communication in large events, as well as corporate news releases and translations.

AXMIN's Chairman and CEO Lucy Yan sated:

AXMIN is very pleased to appoint Mr. Jiang and Mr. Qian to assist the company with our in-country operations and international co-ordination. We believe these key staff additions will assist the Company as we fully restart our operations in the Central African Republic in the near future. We are very excited to see the improving security developments in the region around our mining asset and will provide a further update in this regard.


AXMIN is a Canadian exploration and development company with a strong focus on the African continent. AXMIN continues to closely monitor the security situation at its Passendro Gold Project in the Central African Republic. For more information regarding AXMIN visit our website at Please follow us on Facebook

We seek Safe Harbor.

© 2019 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

New CAR Articles: UN Embargo Lifting Criteria, Integration Of Rebels, & New Mining Job

UN Embargo Lifting Details:

Un Tells CAR To Integrate Rebels:

New Mining Application For Work In CAR:

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-12 09:36 | Report Abuse

Central African Republic: Six armed groups sign peace agreement in Bria

Note: This is an important agreement due to the fact that Bria is a few hours away from Ndassima and directly on the same access road.

Six armed groups (the UPC, MPC, RPRC, MLCJ, Anti-Balaka (Mokom faction) and the FPRC)* signed an important peace agreement Tuesday 9 April in Bria, in the Central African Republic (CAR), which is expected to put an end to more than six years of violent conflict in the eastern region of Haute-Kotto.

The Accord is the result of talks convened by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) between the groups from 1-9 April 2019 in Bria. It also marks the culmination of months of intensive local mediation efforts led by HD to bring an end to violence across the Haute-Kotto region. Repeated attacks by the groups in the area since 2013 have led to the loss of many lives, widespread destruction of property and the displacement of thousands of people. The violence has also increased the divide between the Christian and Muslim communities which has been instrumentalised by the armed groups.

The Bria Agreement builds on the Accord for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR (APPR), which was signed on 6 February 2019 between the Government and fourteen armed groups, including the six Bria Agreement signatories.

Under the terms of the Bria Accord, the parties have committed to:

Putting an end to violence;
Ensuring peace and security throughout the region;
Resolving grievances peacefully;
Refusing the instrumentalisation of differences based on politics, ethnicity or religion ;
Ensuring the safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons; and,
Guaranteeing the free movement of persons, goods and services, and humanitarian personnel. The follow-up committee set up under the APPR will be in charge of monitoring implementation of the Bria Accord.

“This Agreement represents an important step in strengthening the APPR and turning Central African people’s hope for peace and reconciliation into reality.” said Freddy Nkurikiye, HD’s Special Representative for Central and West Africa.

HD has been working in support of peace in the CAR since 2007, assisting both the country’s National Political Dialogue and community-based mediation efforts. HD played a key role in the 2008 Inclusive Political Dialogue, the 2015 Bangui Forum, the 2016 electoral process and more recently, the 2019 APPR process. The organisation has also been involved in the facilitation of local agreements such as the 2017 Bouar Agreement between the 3R and anti-Balakas armed groups which enabled the stabilization of parts of the Nana Mambéré province.

HD would like to thank the parties, the United Nations Multi-dimensional, integrated and stabilization Mission (MINUSCA) as well as the local administrative, traditional and religious leaders for their support to the mediation process which led to the Bria Agreement.

The organisation would also like to express its gratitude to the European Union for its financial support which has enabled HD to support peace efforts in CAR since 2014.


For any further enquiries, please contact HD’s Special Representative for West and Central Africa, Mr Freddy Nkurikiye, by phone on +41 79 388 35 31, or by email:

For further information about HD, please send an email to:

*UPC: Unité Pour la paix en Centrafrique; MPC: Mouvement Patriotique pour la Centrafrique; RPRC: Rassemblement Patriotique pour le Renouveau de la Centrafrique; MLCJ: Mouvement des Libérateurs Centrafricains pour la Justice; FPRC: Front Populaire pour la Renaissance de la Centrafrique

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-12 11:30 | Report Abuse

US Department of State: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Central African Republic President Faustin Archange Touadera

04/11/2019Marty SmithNo Comments
WASHINGTON (STL.News) – The US Department of State release the following:

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:‎

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today with Central African Republic (CAR) President Faustin Archange Touadera in Washington, D.C. The Secretary affirmed U.S.-CAR relations and underscored strong support for President Touadera’s efforts to bring lasting stability and security to the Central African people by implementing the recently signed peace agreement. The two leaders exchanged views on a variety of key issues, including institutionalizing democratic reforms, creating a more inclusive and transparent business environment to revitalize the CAR economy, and ensuring justice for victims of war crimes. President Touadera also expressed his commitment to building an inclusive government and fighting impunity.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-13 13:40 | Report Abuse

Central African Republic: $ 45 Million from World Bank for Solar Field Construction

Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR) - The Central African government and the World Bank signed a $ 45 million multilateral agreement in Washington on April 9 for the construction of a solar field near the capital Bangui.

The Central African government represented by the Ministers of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Félix Moloua and that of Finance and Budget Henri-Marie Dondra, sealed this agreement in a context where it places the energy issue at the center. of his concerns for this year 2019.

According to the government, with this project, the Central African Republic wants to increase energy capacity by 25 megawatts in order to boost the economy, in line with Pillar 3 of the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA). The start of work is scheduled for August 2019.

With a rate of access to electricity that is 4% against an African average of 16%, the Central African government intends to raise this level with several projects. The extension works of the Boali 2 plant have just been launched thanks to the financial support of the African Development Bank for an amount of 23 billion FCFA to have 10 megawat more.

Central African energy will also benefit this year from another 10 megawat that will come from the installation of a thermal power plant with financing from the Saudi fund. This project includes a public lighting component for 14 avenues in the city of Bangui. The executory phase of the work is also planned for the second semester, the contract being already awarded.

"We will continue with the support of our partners to invest heavily in energy infrastructure, very important for our development," said the head of state Faustin Archange Touadera on March 30 on the occasion of his year 3 in power.

Several affluent investors, the Central African Republic after the signing of the peace agreement and Khartoum, is made possible thanks to the support of the Russian Federation, which further strengthens its cooperation with this country friends long abused by the Western powers.

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-15 12:50 | Report Abuse

African Development Bank approves strategy for Central Africa – “crucial for the economic integration of the region”

2019-04-15 Central African Republic, POLITICS

Johannesburg, South Africa (ADV) – The Board of the African Development Bank (AfDB) on Monday approved the Central Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper 2019 – 2025, adopting the Bank’s multinational operations in Central Africa over the indicated period, African Daily Voice has learnt.

According to a statement issued by AfDB, the Central Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (RISP) for 2019 – 2025 builds on the lessons learned from the implementation of previous regional development initiatives. It also lists the Bank’s plans to accelerate intra-regional trade, inclusive economic growth and structural transformation of the Central African region.

“It will guide the Bank’s regional operations in seven member countries of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), namely Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and the Central African Republic – a combined population of some 130 million people,” reads a statement Chawki Chahed, Chief Communications Officer, Communication & External Relations Department, African Development Bank.

“The cooperation, integration and economic development goals of the 2019 – 2025 Central Africa regional strategy will be achieved from the basis of two pillars: the first strengthens regional infrastructure (focusing on electricity networks, transport and ICT), while the second supports reforms for intra-regional trade development and cross-border investments and builds the institutional capacity of regional organizations, especially ECCAS and the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).”

Ousmane Dore, Director-General of the Bank’s Central Africa Regional Development and Business Delivery Office said in 2018, the GDP growth rate in Central Africa doubled to 2.2 % from 1.1% in 2017, but remained below the sub-Saharan average of 3.5%.

“The region’s growth was driven primarily by global commodity prices, principally oil. Other countries within the ECCAS region continued to grapple with the vicious circle of instability and fragility, weak human and institutional capacity, and infrastructure deficits in the transport, energy and ICT sectors.

“Central Africa has significant oil resources, deposits of precious metals and minerals, huge transboundary water resources, and the continent’s greatest hydropower potential. Implementation of the Central Africa integration strategy will encourage regional and national authorities to ensure that cross-border programs and initiatives are embedded into public resource planning and administration,” said Dore.

The bank further stated that implementation of the Central Africa RISP will require investments amounting to US$ 4.421 billion, corresponding to 30 regional operations over the seven-year period. About 88% of the planned funding would be devoted to strengthening regional infrastructure. The infrastructure and institutional capacity-building components of the plan will also support the resilience of the countries in the region. Specific operations will also strengthen resilience to food insecurity, enable the socio-economic reintegration of vulnerable groups, and conserve ecosystems in the Congo Basin.

“The African Development Bank’s ongoing support for Central Africa is crucial for the successful economic integration of the countries in the region. The new Regional Integration Strategy Paper continues this tradition of supportive interventions in critical economic sectors. Ultimately, it will be a huge boost to intra-regional trade and a much needed structural transformation of the policy and business environment,” said Moono Mupotola, the Bank’s Director of Regional Development and Regional Integration.

The RISP is in conformity with the Bank’s new Regional Integration Strategy Framework (RISF) which was approved in March 2018, and the Ten-Year Strategy of the African Development Bank Group (2013-2022). It also aligns with the regional priorities from ECCAS and CEMAC and the Bank’s High 5priorities

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2019-04-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

April 15th 2019: Russia to Send Soldiers to Central African Republic as Part of U.N. Force: Decree

MOSCOW — Russia will send up to 30 military personnel to Central African Republic as part of a U.N mission to help stabilize the country, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

The decree said the Russian contingent would include military observers, staff officers and military communications specialists.

Moscow has already sent military equipment to CAR and Russian instructors are on the ground helping train the country's armed forces.

(Reporting by Polina Devitt; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

Posted by ProfitableStocksOnly > 2020-09-30 16:46 | Report Abuse

Here is an update on Senegal and CAR, with regards to Axmin's involvement.

Senegal - As mentioned last time, Teranga Gold announced an updated mineral report. This report did show 4 new targets that AXM owns 20% interest in(Page 88 in the 43-101 from Teranga), unless convereted to a royalty. But on top of that, if you look closer at the report, there is still 50,000 ounces of gold left at Gora, which is a target that has already produced over 400,000 ounces of gold and paid Axmin millions in royalties(see Page 256 in the 43-101 from Teranga). So at $2,000 gold, this is another $1.5 million USD in revenue that Axmin still has to collect.

CAR - Today an important article came out which shows the United States sanctioning Russian companies in the Central African Republic. This is important because the transaction that would of occured in regards to the sale of Passendro to Midas(Russian Company) can no longer occur. This puts Axmin in a stronger negotiating position with regards to getting back both the Passendro mine and expansion leases. Only Russia and China have worked in CAR for the last several years, making Axmin one of the only true feasible options of getting the gold mine in production.

Link to new article:

From the last MD&A: On June 8, 2020, Aurafrique and Somio Tongou, through its lawyers, Cabinet Mboli-Goumba & Associes, filed a request for arbitration with the government of the Central African Republic and the Chambre Arbitrale Internationale de Paris for its permits On July 24, 2020, the Ministry of Mines and Geology of the Central African Republic accepted the request from Aurafrique and Somio Tongou for arbitration with the Chambre Arbitrale Internationale de Paris for the status of their properties. On August 18, 2020, the parties agreed that the location of the arbitration be the city of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.

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