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RSI25 cross below 30

Stock Name Company Close RSI25 Variance(%)
GLB Goldbank Mining Corp 0.045 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
KEN Kenadyr Mining Holdings Corp 0.08 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
CTZ Namsys Inc 0.01 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
CNO California Nanotechnologies Corp 0.065 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
MCU Mega Copper Ltd. 0.06 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
RSV Resolve Ventures Inc 0.25 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
MNT Royal Canadian Mint CDN Gold Reserves 18.69 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
NCX Northisle Copper and Gold Inc 0.26 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
SWA Sarama Resources Ltd 0.58 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
ZFR Zephyr Minerals Ltd 0.31 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
RYO Rio Silver Inc 0.15 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
WIL Wilton Resources Inc 0.70 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
GXS Goldsource Mines Inc 0.275 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
EFN Element Fleet Management Corp 4.85 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
WCC Consolidated Woodjam Copper Corp 0.30 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
RAK Rackla Metals Inc 0.21 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
EOG Eco Atlantic Oil and Gas Ltd 0.61 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
FTJ Fort ST James Nickel Corp 0.115 0.00 -30.00 (100%)
NBR Nubian Resources Ltd 0.11 6.25 -23.75 (79%)
CNC Canada Nickel Company Inc 0.13 7.692 -22.308 (74%)
EDG Endurance Gold Corp 0.06 7.692 -22.308 (74%)
MDM Madoro Metals Corp 5.14 8.962 -21.038 (70%)
ARE Aecon Group Inc 10.44 9.653 -20.347 (68%)
RMR Rome Resources Ltd 0.17 12.245 -17.755 (59%)
AII Almonty Industries Inc 0.89 13.333 -16.667 (56%)
AIR Clean Air Metals Inc 0.035 14.286 -15.714 (52%)
NCF Northcliff Resources Ltd 0.40 14.286 -15.714 (52%)
OMM Omineca Mining and Metals Ltd 0.15 16.667 -13.333 (44%)
GCU 0Negold Canyon Resources Inc. 1.90 19.205 -10.795 (36%)
OMG Omai Gold Mines Corp 2.975 19.39 -10.61 (35%)
ETX Etrion Corp 0.50 20.00 -10.00 (33%)
PGC Plato Gold Corp 0.02 20.00 -10.00 (33%)
ECO Ecosynthetix Inc 4.94 21.198 -8.802 (29%)
BEA Belmont Resources Inc 0.11 21.429 -8.571 (29%)
RMO Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp 0.06 22.222 -7.778 (26%)
KRN Karnalyte Resources Inc 10.25 22.333 -7.667 (26%)
KRY Koryx Copper Inc 0.065 22.449 -7.551 (25%)
SMN Sun Summit Minerals Corp 0.095 23.077 -6.923 (23%)
VLV Venerable Ventures Ltd. 0.16 23.529 -6.471 (22%)
III Imperial Metals Corp 12.97 23.63 -6.37 (21%)
SCR Strathcona Resources Ltd. 0.86 23.81 -6.19 (21%)
GB Ginger Beef Corp 0.07 23.81 -6.19 (21%)
TMD Titan Medical Inc 1.30 24.074 -5.926 (20%)
PML Panoro Minerals Ltd 0.35 24.324 -5.676 (19%)
GSY Goeasy Ltd 1.34 24.37 -5.63 (19%)
ELC Elysee Development Corp 0.94 24.667 -5.333 (18%)
WDO Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd 1.48 24.812 -5.188 (17%)
QGR Q Gold Resources Ltd 0.02 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
NVI Novra Technologies Inc 0.025 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
UVN Uravan Minerals Inc. 0.065 25.00 -5.00 (17%)
RES Auric Resources Corp 3.93 25.532 -4.468 (15%)
BU Burcon Nutrascience Corp 7.05 25.654 -4.346 (14%)
MOO Moon River Moly Ltd 0.075 26.667 -3.333 (11%)
ELF E-L Financial 340.00 26.804 -3.196 (11%)
CFF Conifex Timber Inc 7.25 26.937 -3.063 (10%)
CKG Chesapeake Gold Corp 11.36 26.978 -3.022 (10%)
PTM Platinum Group Metals Ltd 0.90 27.143 -2.857 (10%)
SHL Homeland Nickel Inc 0.13 27.273 -2.727 (9%)
DNG Dynacor Gold Mines Inc 0.66 27.419 -2.581 (9%)
UCU Ucore Rare Metals Inc 0.36 27.50 -2.50 (8%)
VOL Volatus Aerospace Corp 0.05 27.778 -2.222 (7%)
PER Peruvian Metals Corp 0.25 28.07 -1.93 (6%)
SPI Canadian Spirit Resources Inc 0.62 28.07 -1.93 (6%)
ONC Oncolytics Bio 3.65 28.276 -1.724 (6%)
MRZ Mirasol Resources Ltd 3.21 28.467 -1.533 (5%)
CML Canickel Mining Ltd 0.04 28.571 -1.429 (5%)
FYL Finlay Minerals Ltd 0.065 28.571 -1.429 (5%)
BLN Blackline Safety Corp 1.20 28.571 -1.429 (5%)
CHY Cypress Hills Resource Corp 0.17 28.571 -1.429 (5%)
X TMX Group Ltd 41.161 28.733 -1.267 (4%)
CDU Cardero Resource Corp 0.95 28.767 -1.233 (4%)
PFC Petrofrontier Corp 1.10 28.814 -1.186 (4%)
AGC Amarillo Gold Corp 1.06 29.032 -0.968 (3%)
FEX Fjordland Exploration Inc 0.075 29.268 -0.732 (2%)
GUN Gunpoint Exploration Ltd 0.71 29.31 -0.69 (2%)
CUR Consolidated Uranium Inc 0.61 29.412 -0.588 (2%)
ABN Aben Resources Ltd 0.085 29.412 -0.588 (2%)
ZUM Zoomermedia Ltd 0.145 29.412 -0.588 (2%)
XAG Xtierra Inc 0.165 29.63 -0.37 (1%)
VLN Velan Inc Sv 11.70 29.927 -0.073 (0%)
YOO Yangaroo Inc 0.02 30.00 0.00 (0%)
MSC Millenium Silver Corp 0.05 30.00 0.00 (0%)
Stock Price Date: Dec 23, 2011

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